Monday, February 28, 2011

E-Books and February Sales

To tie into L Diane Wolfe's post today -- where she asks three authors (including me!) -- to discuss the publishing options facing authors today, I thought I'd talk a bit more about my e-book experience so far.

February is almost over, and this month's sales of The Hating Game are almost at 2,000 on Kindle alone. Hopefully, by the end of the day, they will have topped it! Given that February's a short month, I'm thrilled with the number of copies people have bought. A massive thank you to everyone who has supported my debut novel so far and fingers crossed it continues. So far, total Kindle sales since December 1 have almost reached 4,000 (half of that generated this month!).

The great thing about e-books is that they don't need to fight for shelf space. There are no returns -- once an e-book is up, it's there for good -- which means e-books have more of a chance to succeed for a longer period of time. And, as I mentioned over at L Diane's, e-books don't face distribution issues that smaller presses like the one I'm published with often run up against.

Putting out the e-book before the paperback has proved to be a successful strategy. Strong sales figures means the book now stands a bigger chance of getting into stores, and word of mouth generated by e-book publicity has helped drive pre-orders. Not only that, but when the paperback launches next week, it will already have a plethora of reviews, since any review written for the Kindle version automatically appears on the paperback listing.

And on that note, if you're in the UK and you'd like to win a paperback copy of The Hating Game, head on over to Chick Lit Reviews!

Happy Monday, all!


  1. Fabulous! Hope Making Waves does as well for me as your book has done for you! So exciting.

  2. Well done Talli on such impressive e-book sales. The figures look great for a fiction debut, and I'm sure they'll propel paperback sales through good reviews and the associated publicity. Keep up the good work! :o)

  3. Another way eBooks have benefited writers, and publishing. Working in sync with traditional hard and softcover books, it seems like your eBook has situated The Hating Game in a really good place for the traditional release. Kudos!

  4. Woo Hoo! Way to go Talli. Congrats on your sales.

  5. That's excellent Talli, looking forward to the paperback version soon!

  6. Congratulations, Talli. Those are impressive sales!

  7. That's awesome, Talli! And already commented over at Diane's blog. I like being with a small publisher as well.

  8. Stunning debut, Talli. What is so impressive is that you paid attention to what was happening in publishing, planned ahead with the successful web splash and continued working hard with the e-book release. This isn't some random miracle--it's your talent, smarts and hard work that keep those numbers climbing. Congratulations and thanks, as always, for sharing this journey.

  9. Nell - thank you! I'm looking forward to reading your book!

    Dean - Thank you so much. I'm really happy.

    Joanne - I certainly hope so. The strategy seems to have worked so far.

    Angelina - Thank you! :)

    Brigid - Thanks! I hope you like it.

    Ellie - Thank you!

    Alex - Small publisher rock, don't they? I've had such a fantastic experience with mine.

    Tricia - Aw! You have made me grin! Thank yo so much for your lovely words. Much appreciated.

  10. Um, duh. This is the other me! Silly Google sign-ins!

  11. Wow. This is very cool. Congrats, of course, on your success, but it is also really interesting to hear about how it all works.

  12. I'm so happy for you! I love hearing that you're having such amazing success!! The book is definitely worth every penny and you as a writer and friend are wonderful!!! Couldn't have asked for better news for such an awesome chick!

  13. That's a very interesting point. And from the many years of bookselling experience, I can definitely see the benefits of longer shelf time. I can't tell you how many times publishers ask for books back and then the next week someone came looking for it. le sigh.

    Congrats on your sales! That's so exciting!!

  14. That's great. You're rollin. good luck with the book.

  15. Wow, those are impressive sale numbers!

  16. Talli,
    I'm still on the fence about e-books of any kind. There's just something about holding, touching and feeling a book in your hands but you make such excellent points about it.
    I am so happy for you regarding the sales of your book. You certainly deserve the accolades!

  17. Saw the article at Diane's. Nice job. Your publishing experience has left me breathless. I can't wait until I go to B&N so I can get it in paperback. I've been dying to read it.

  18. Congratulations! That's really great news. I'm crossing fingers and hoping that sales will become even greater. :)

  19. Never!!! I am a paperback kinda gal - always and forever! LOL!!!!
    But if someone nice ever gave me a kindle as a pressie, I wouldn't say no! LOL!!!!

    BUT SERIOUSLY!!! Yay for your kindle ebook sales!! Yay!!!!

    Take care

  20. That is really good news! Here's to a strong March as well...

  21. Oooh, congratulations on such sales figures and all the support you've had!

    I never actually thought about these things, but you're absolutely right: every single point you've made here in favour of e-books is spot on! Though I have to say that even if I were in your position, with great ebook sales, I don't think I'd feel complete until I got to see a hardback/paperback version of my novel sitting in a store :-)

  22. Congratulations, Tali! Those are impressive (and well-deserved) sales! A friend of mine has already pre-ordered the paperback after reading a few pages of my Hating Game ebook. I'm hoping a TON of people do the same! :)

  23. Thank you so much, all!

    I must admit, as excited as I am about the e-book, I can't wait to actually hold a paperback copy in my hands. I'm hoping to get my author copies by courier tomorrow!

    Hope people don't think I'm being big-headed posting sales figures. It's just, before I was published, I had no idea what kind of sales a top 100 book on Kindle (UK) would be. So I thought it might be helpful for other writers to have some idea of how my sales are working out.

  24. Way way cool! What inspiring news Talli - congratulations and I wish you every future success with your print version! You have a catchy title thats a winner.

  25. Very interesting to learn how an ebook can actually help the boost the paperback version, has to be a good side of ebooks I suppose.

  26. That is so great, Talli! Congratulations! It also helps that you have a great book there. :)

  27. This is a very impressive result with the eBook sales. Frankly, I knew that this would happen this way :)

  28. Those are some fantastic numbers, Talli! Well done and I'm glad that the strategy is working so well!


  29. Fantastic Talli! I wish I were in the UK to qualify. But alas...I live across the pond in "the colonies." ;) Best of luck with the paperback!

  30. Congratulations Talli, if any book deserves super sales it's The Hating Game! I'm hoping they continue for you, you truly deserve it!

  31. Thanks, Leah! :) And thanks for all your support. Really appreciate it!

  32. Bish - They'll be other chances to win coming up!

    Olga - Aw, thank you!

    Jacqueline, Lindy Lou, Cherie, Jai - thank you all! :)

  33. Congrats! I never thought of ebook sales in the way you mentioned (good sales can get you into bookstores, they're more permanent since they can't be returned, etc.) and you make some really great points.

  34. Interesting post--congrats to your success!

  35. Congrats on the great sales. I am so excited for The Hating Game to come out in paperback. I will be at the bookstore with dollars in hand when it does. Really enjoyed all the good information in this post, Talli.

  36. Congratulations on your sales, Talli! I'm really happy for you. I can't wait to read your book; I don't have a Kindle so unfortunately I couldn't get the e-book, but I'm getting the paperback as soon as it comes out!

  37. Thanks for sharing...oh, pioneer! I'm hoping that Granny will bring me a copy of THE HATING GAME when she comes to visit this spring. If not, I hope to get a Kindle by then. :)

  38. Congratulations on your sales! :)

  39. I like to study tracking websites. It looks like most of your sales are in the UK. How did you break into the UK market?

    I can barely scratch the UK.

  40. I'll keep my fingers crossed now I have filled in the form.

    I do so wish you all the best, I well remember when my book came out. It's a wonderful feeling.


  41. good post - good defense of the e-book as well, not that it needs it but a reminder is always nice.

  42. YAY Talli. I am delighted the E-book experience has been so positive for you.

  43. Congratulations on your e-book sales. Word of mouth must be spreading fast if your sales doubled this month.

    I'm waiting for the paperback. I'm just not ready for e-books yet, although your argument for them was very convincing. I'll probably get round to buying a reader once everyone's moved onto the next thing.

  44. Good job Talli! That sounds like great sales! The strategy your publisher used sounds like a good one. I'm sure a lot more authors will be doing that in the future.

  45. Yay! I'm so glad the strategy worked well for you! Can't wait for the print version to come out!!!

  46. Conngratulations on your sale, Talli! Awesome!

  47. Talli,

    That is AWESOME! Keep it going.... Good luck with the print version. You are definitely off to a good start!


  48. I found fighting for shelf space is the biggest obstacle ti getting my book into bookstores. Chalk up one more for promoting with downloadable version!

    And I'm my way over to Diane's blog now.

  49. Talli,
    It's good to see you doing so well. I'm sure your publisher is so happy w/ you, too! It's also great that you'll have so many reviews on your paperback before it's even released thanks to the Kindle sales.

  50. I gotta be honest....
    For as good as e-books are for new authors, I just can't see myself reading one. I like the old fashioned feeling of a book in my hands.

  51. That's fantastic news about your sales Talli :-) Great post too! Fingers crossed for skyrocketing future sales!

  52. Great post, Talli! I hadn't thought about ebooks that way before. Congratulations on your sales. :)

  53. This is good to hear. I don't know what it is with me and my irrational fear of e-books. I guess I am afraid they are going to make paperbacks obsolete, but I guess they work together. Very cool.
    And congrats on your success.

  54. Hi Talli .. it's just great the sales are going so well and just being able to follow along and hear your progress. Nope - you're down to earth ... seems to me, being practical and have obviously worked out some smart moves regarding the changes going on in publishing.

    Good luck is all I can say - next week the hard copy - great news .. Hilary

  55. That is brilliant news Talli - well done!

  56. Congrats on your sales! That's awesome!

  57. YAY! You're doing fabulous, Talli! I'm really happy for you!

  58. It's wonderful that ebook sales are doing so well. I did love reading your post.


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