The Take On Amazon Web Splash is tomorrow! I can't quite believe the day is finally here. A massive thank you to everyone taking part and to those who've taken the time to read and review The Hating Game. Fingers crossed!
I'll be on Twitter all day, keeping people up to date on Amazon rankings with the hash tag #TheHatingGame. Along with posting updates, I'll also be serving virtual champagne, chocolate, cupcakes and assorted fizzy drinks for everyone. Pop by on Twitter and say hi! Make sure to use the tag #TheHatingGame so your tweet won't be missed. I'll also be guest posting on Strictly Writing, talking about the importance of social networking (big thanks to Debs Riccio for organising that!).
I want to give Sangu Mandanna a big shout-out today: her novel Woven is going to be published! Head over and say congrats if you get a chance!
And finally, since the UK is covered in a blanket of snow and ice (rare for November), I leave you with this photo taken a few years ago during London's snowstorm. Only in Britain!

Roll on December 1!