Tuesday, May 31, 2011
What Sells Books?
Monday, May 30, 2011
Weekend Wanderings
Friday, May 27, 2011
Lanzarote Living: Pauline Barclay
I’m Pauline Barclay and I live in the Canary Isles on the beautiful volcanic
Talli asked if I would show you a little of where we live; we being my husband, Clive and our two adorable rescue doggies. This is the view from our villa and this is the view from my office. Though I confess to sitting andstaring out at the ocean far too often, my laptop open on the table, when I am supposed to be writing! And this is a view of the beach, which is just five minutes stroll down the road.
In between sneaking a stroll to the beach or a peek at the view, I manage to get some work done. This month my third book, Sometimes It Happens… was published on Kindle. I am an Indie publisher and for this book I did things differently. Firstly, I had an amazing mentor who is also a brilliant author, who saw me through the entire manuscript, checking for continuity, believability, repetition and so much more. Then to add the final sparkle, I had the cover designed by a Graphics design company. I just love the cover, it says so much about the story.
Sometimes It Happens…is about secrets, deception, lies, love and laughter. Winning the lottery was just the beginning. Nothing prepared Doreen Wilkinson for her holiday at Villas Bonitas and nothing prepared Villas Bonitas for Doreen Wilkinson. This is a holiday that will never be forgotten for many people. Sometimes It Happens… Will make the reader laugh out loud, I certainly did writing it!
My other two novels, Magnolia House and Satchfield Hall are available in both paperback and Kindle editions. In between marketing and all my other commitment, I am busy with my fourth novel!
Pauline blogs here, her website and sample chapters are here, and she's also on Twitter and Facebook!
So, are you as jealous of her as I am?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Why I Don't Write About Writing
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Ten for Tuesday: Naw...
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sexism? Ageism? Alive and Well in Britain
Friday, May 20, 2011
Twisted Velvet Chains by Jessica Bell

Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Day After
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Ten for Tuesday: Things I Love
Monday, May 16, 2011
Smelly Animals
Friday, May 13, 2011
Guest Post by Nicole Zoltack

When I sit down to write, I either have a plot idea or a main character that just won't shut up. I then sit down at the computer and just type. I am definitely a pantser!
I write like I read for the most part, and as such, if I think to far ahead of where I am in the story - specifically if I think about and figure out the ending - I never finish the story. I get bored with it.
And when you're writing the last book in a trilogy, you can be sure I was thinking about the ending long before I actually reached it! Needless to say, Champion of Valor, the last book in my fantasy romance Kingdom of Arnhem series, was by far the hardest to write.
The first book - Woman of Honor - practically wrote itself. I knew the main character first - a young girl who asks her king if she can train to become a knight.
Knight of Glory I knew I wanted to expand the fantasy world so it was more plot oriented.
But Champion of Valor had to tie up many of the loose odds and ends and there was a war to resolve, and oh yeah, Lucifer was trying to bring about the Apocalypse before its time. To say that I got stuck several times while writing it would be an understatement!
But writing Champion of Valor as I did forced me to more closely examine my writing process. By realizing that I write as a reader has helped me become a better writer. I always strove to write stories I would love to read, but now I know that I need to fall in love with the hero, root for the heroine, feel their pain and anguish, struggle with them through their hardships as I write the story, and hopefully the reader will feel the exact same way when reading them.
What about you? What kind of a writer are you? Is your writing style anything like mine?
Be sure to leave a comment to be entered to win some signed post cards and magnets. Each comment during the Champion of Valor Blog Tour gives you an entry for the grand prize: a copy of the entire Kingdom of Arnhem trilogy - Woman of Honor, Knight of Glory, and Champion of Valor.
Have a great weekend, all!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Dead or Alive... and Contest!

To celebrate the launch of her latest urban fantasy novel, Blood Faerie, author India Drummond will give away five Kindle copies of her book on its release day, June 1, 2011.
Blood Faerie is the first in India Drummond’s new series, Caledonia Fae. I've read the novel and even though it's not my usual fare, I was blown away. I love India's writing -- it was almost hypnotic as it pulled me along, and I just had to keep reading.
The blurb:
Unjustly sentenced to death, Eilidh ran—away from faerie lands, to the streets of Perth, Scotland. Just when she has grown accustomed to exile, local police discover a mutilated body outside the abandoned church where she lives. Recognising the murder as the work of one of her own kind, Eilidh must choose: flee, or learn to tap into the forbidden magic that cost her everything.
To enter to win a Kindle copy of the new book, all you have to do is sign up for her email newsletter. The email list is only used to announce book releases and important events, and emails are sent out infrequently. (It’s free, and it’s easy to unsubscribe after the contest date if you find it’s not for you.) Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/bTDfP
Five winners’ names will be announced on the India Drummond newsletter on June 1st, along with instructions for how winners can claim their free Kindle books. Only subscribers are eligible to win.
No Kindle? No problem! Anyone with a PC, Mac, or smart-device (iPhone, Blackberry, Android phone, etc) can read a Kindle book. Download free reading software here.
Want to quadruple your chances of winning? Simply tweet about the contest with a link to any participating blog post and include @IndiaDrummond in your tweet. Or, share the link on Facebook. (But be sure to add @India Drummond to tag her on the link so she will see it! – You can add her to your friend list here). And finally, add another entry to the list by posting about the contest on your blog.-- Tweet and share the link as much as you like, but only one additional entry per method, per person.
Good luck, everyone!