Anyway. I digress! Without further ado or husband bashing, here are my literary hotties, past and present. I'm telling you now, I'm not going to make it to ten! Memory does not serve me well.
1. Philip, in the Adventure series by Enid Blyton. He was so well-loved by animals and I adored the tuft in the front of his hair. Plus, he was very brave. I do hope it doesn't need to be pointed out that I no longer find Philip as attractive as I did, say, 25 years ago.
2. Boots, in the Bruno and Boots series by Gordon Korman. Bruno was the more audacious of the two, but I had a soft spot in my heart for the more cautious Boots.
3. Todd, in Sweet Valley High. Elizabeth's boyfriend, I mourned his loss when he moved miles away to Vermont and they broke up. Jeffrey was nowhere near as good as Todd!
4. Mr Rochester, in Jane Eyre. A bit of a jerk (okay, a big jerk). But he's blind in the end! Jane must take care of him! Awwww!
5. Colin Firth. Colin Firth, Colin Firth, Colin Firth. Yes, I know he's not in a book. But... Colin Firth!
6. Dermot, in Love Letters by Katie Fforde. A dark and brooding Irish man. Need I say more?
And I'll stop there, mopping up the drool that seems to have accumulated on my keyboard in the creation of this post!
Who's on your list of literary hotties?
how is it that you have not gone astalking Mr Firth considering you live in the same geographical location?
ReplyDeleteJoanna, I knnnoooow! I must try lurking around dark street corners and such!
ReplyDeleteAt the moment, I'm falling in love all over again with Jamie Fraser, the Scottish hottie in Diana Gabaldon's OUTLANDER. (It's my third re-read of the book.)
ReplyDeleteLiz, oh, a Scottish hottie! That sounds very nice indeed! Does he wear a kilt?! :)
ReplyDeleteWhy not Mark Darcy? He's based on Mr. Darcy as played by Colin Firth! :D Win/win/win! :D
ReplyDeleteI always liked Heathcliff! Give me the dark and brooding hero. :)
ReplyDeleteLOL! Ditto on number 5! :o)
ReplyDeleteI love it! Aww Todd... I remember going through the Elizabeth-and-Todd rollercoaster as if it was my own first love.
ReplyDeleteGilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables - he had me from 'carrots'.
ReplyDeleteYes! Colin Firth! I love this non-literary character too. You could have said Mr. Darcy or the King of England. Great post!
Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy (in both Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones' Diary) was amazing. They should just put his face on the cover of all of Jane Austen's books.
ReplyDeleteI think that Fiyero from Wicked is pretty cool. And also Henry Tilney from Northanger Abbey, preferably when he is played by the actor JJ Field. :)
Ah, Todd. . . if you're a recovering SVH reader, get thee to community.livejournal.com/1bruce1 for deliciously snarky recaps.
ReplyDeleteI always liked Yossarian from Catch 22.
Colin Firth doesn't need a stinking book, but his Darcy is epic. I love Rochester as well. Great post, Talli.
ReplyDeleteCaptain Sam Vimes in Terry Pratchett's Nightwatch series!! He's a hottie - grizzled, world-weary, from the wrong side of the tracks made good!! Drool, dribble, drool! Take care
Colin Firth FTW!
ReplyDeleteGreat list! I love literary loves...
ReplyDeleteI didn't read the Sweet Valley High series nor most of the book on this list except for Jane Eyre. Yeah, Mr Rochester was dark & brooding but too much so for my taste.
ReplyDeleteI agree about Colin Firth -- very versatile actor.
ReplyDeleteAnn best steered me to your blog as a Wido author.
I agree, the perfect man can be found in books--Roland the Noble Knight comes to mind. As for washing the dishes, I tell my wife to hold down the noise so I can hear the game. Her reply is... never mind.
Can I vote Colin Firth???? :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see so many people share my Colin Firth obsession! I suppose I could have put Mark Darcy, but the thing is, I was very turned off by the thought of Mark Darcy folding his underpants...
ReplyDeleteCurrently, Sherlock Holmes is high high high on my list of literary hotties. :)
ReplyDeleteSomewhere, Colin Firth gets the odd feeling that he's being watched. Very, very closely....
ReplyDeleteLOL. I've never heard of any of these characters before . . . Is that a bad thing?
ReplyDeleteYes, I bet Colin Firth's ears are tingling right now. Oh, Colin Firth's ears... sigh!
ReplyDeleteGolden Eagle - that's probably a very good thing. :)
I had a thing for the Vampire Lestat until the movie came out. On the flip side, ever since Ralph Fiennes played the English Patient...
ReplyDeleteGilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables. He was so sweet and smart and patiently waited for Anne to realize they were meant to be together!
ReplyDeleteColin Firth!!!!! :) Can I add Beowulf? LOL. I know he slept with a monster...but he's still all muscled and so manly! :)
ReplyDeleteAh! I loved Todd!! He was the perfect californian boyfriend!
ReplyDeleteHee hee, Colin Firth ...Colin Firth!! He's got quite a few wrinkles now - not as smooth as he once was... ;)
As for heroes: hmm, I have propensity for falling for the anti-heroes such as brooding Carver Doone in the book "Lorna Doone" by R.D.Blackmore.
I never did get my head round why Lorna fell in love with Jan Ridd the farming yokel. Give me a Highwayman-cum-cattle rustler any day to that of a pious twit. :o
I'm with Liz.
ReplyDeleteJamie Fraser.
And yes, Talli, he wears a kilt :)
lol. I dunno half of those! I was really into damon and stefan from the orignial LJ Smith vampire diaries. I loved Adam from the secret circle too.
ReplyDeleteKatie! Surely you've heard of Colin Firth! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd oh my. A Scottish man in a kilt! I must get that book.
Yes Dermot in Love Letters, Colin Firth the dishiest Darcy ever, Mr. Rochester, Sidney Carton from Tale of Two Cities, and Colin Firth and oh yes Colin Firth!
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking me down memory lane with the Enid Blyton books, I spent many a hour reading her books and as child.
ReplyDeleteaslo thanks for the vist and comments much appreciated.
Talli, you do realize we're going to have to play around with this theme in our own blogs, of course?
ReplyDeleteWilliam - Go for it! Equal opportunity and all...
ReplyDeleteI always preferred Boots to Bruno as well :)
ReplyDeleteI'd add Gilbert Blythe from Anne of GG and Roarke from JD Robb's In Death series!
Dalgleish?, Lynley?, Rebus?, Seraillier? - strictly alphabetical order here.
ReplyDeleteTalli, if you haven't yet, you've *got* to get your hands on the Outlander series. No man ever seems the same again after you've read about Jamie and Claire's relationship.
ReplyDeleteI'm so with you on Colin Firth. He plays that part well + he's done so many book adaptations.
ReplyDeleteSweet Valley High. They had to make him move. Those two had exhausted their relationship. They never got past a kiss.
I can't think of one right now. Not one. My mind is cluttered with YA and I feel many of the male characters are undeveloped. They're broody and mysterious and become the good guy a little too late for me.
Gilbert Blythe and Aragorn!
ReplyDeleteI'm reading Jane Austin at this very moment - and all I can see is Colin Firth, Colin Firth, Colin Firth ... It's very pleasant, actually. :-)
Awww. Todd. I remember Todd!
ReplyDeleteAnd, curiously, I share both Samatha's taste for the dark, dangerous vampire Lestat (in my case, especially as played by Stuart Townsend), and Laura's for the adorably gentle doctor Gilbert Blythe. Bundle of contradictions? Me? ;-)
Mr Rochester and Colin Firth are definitely top of my list!
ReplyDeleteRoiben from Holly Black's novels Tithe and Ironside. Yes, he's a fairy, but he's a hot fairy!
ReplyDeleteI can think of several men from Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider series who are hot!
ReplyDeleteteehee-Heathcliff was my only early literary crush--also a jerk, but so devoted and tortured about Kathy!
ReplyDeleteI don't like an of the normal ones... the Mr. D'Arcys... POO, I say!
Though I wouldn't say no to Oliver Wood or Bill Weasley.
I'm already thinking of ideas, Talli!
ReplyDeleteIt's got to be Colin playing Mr. Darcy in the mid 90s that's made such an impression on so many ladies here, isn't it?
The first time I saw him in anything was in Shakespeare in Love, playing the right git.
Also from the Outlander series, Lord John, who is very attractive, smart, witty, debonair and oh so many other good things. Too bad he's gay.
ReplyDeleteAnd the way you guys keep going on about Rochester just makes me think of 17th Century Lord Rochester. He's not a literary character but he was a writer (among other things), so can I count him? I've got quite the crush on him...
You are better than me, Talli. It was not Phillip I thought hot, but Fatty. Can you beat it?
ReplyDeleteAh, so it's not just book characters! Sorry it took me so long to find it, Talli. My brain seems to have gone on sabbatical....