Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yay! It's Watching Willow Watts Launch Day!

I can't believe the day has finally come. After months of struggle, blood, sweat, and wine-soaked tears, launch day for my second novel, Watching Willow Watts, is here!

If you're so inclined, you can buy a copy of Willow on Amazon UK for £1.71, or on for $2.99. Paperback coming in November!

Right! Now that's out of the way, let's get started on the fun stuff. First up, my Marilyn Monroe vlog (cringe!). Since in the novel, Willow becomes an overnight sensation after a YouTube video of her Marilyn Monroe impression goes viral, it seemed only fitting I go on YouTube, too. I apologise in advance!

Have you survived? Hope so! Because today is the 'If I Could Be Anyone, I'd Be...' web splash! Almost 150 bloggers have signed up to post about who they would be, if they could choose anyone. Pop by and visit other participants, if you have a chance. I can't wait to see who everyone has chosen!

So who would I be, if I could be anyone? I wouldn't be Marilyn, that's for sure. I would be Emily Carr. Now, chances are you haven't heard of her. I actually had to Google the name to make sure I had it correct. She's a Canadian landscape painter, born in the late 1800s. Back in the days before I'd heard of Cezanne and Monet and anything else, I remember staring at her paintings and thinking: wow. I loved the colours and the vibrancy.

Carr was also a writer, although I didn't know it at the time. I remember seeing a photo of her and her easel in the midst of the Canadian wilderness, and I thought: 'I want that'. That solitude; that absorption. That dedication to art and creation.

Defying the role of women at the time, Carr is a true Canadian icon. But more than that, she's a true creative.

So... the million dollar (pound!) question. Who would you be, if you could be anyone? And even if you're not posting, feel free to Tweet (with the tag #watchingwillowwatts) or Facebook (tag @Talli Roland) to be in with a chance to win prizes!

A million thank yous to everyone supporting me today. I can't say it enough -- it means the world to me.


  1. Happy launch day!!!!!!!! If I could be anyone then I would be....come on over and find out :)

  2. Happy Launch Day! And best of luck; it was a great book.

  3. Happy Launch Day! I'm going to Amazon now to buy your book. I chose my own character, Samuel McCord, to be if I could. I used this quote from him :
    "I move in all kinds of circles, meet all sorts of people.

    I learned engraving from a counterfeiter,

    accounting from a swindler.

    A succubus once tried to teach me the tango.

    But nothing doing. I didn't have the hips for it."

    May the sales for your book go through the roof! Roland

  4. Whoo whoo! congrats and great job Talli! I'll be downloading it right away.

  5. Thank you, DJ! I've just seen your choice - it's a great one!

    Mike, thanks loads. I'm so proud to have converted you to chick lit! :)

    Roland, thank you! I'd love to be a character in one of my novels, too. One of the good'uns!

    Yay, Pat! Thank you so much! I hope you like it...

  6. Happy launch day, Talli! You look great in the Monroe get up too!

  7. Whoohoo! Happy Launch Day and go sock it to 'em...
    Have fun Talli and good luck with the sales.
    I'm off to buy it too ;)

  8. Thank you, Jamie!

    And yay! Big thank you to you, Carol. I hope you like it. :)

  9. I would be my protagonist Chase Manhattan, only a little bit better in every catagory. Sometimes, it turns out he's a lot better. Chase was a fun character to develop.

  10. You make a gorgeous Marilyn! Here's wishing you a very happy launch day!

  11. Hi Talli - how great to know about Emily Carr .. Happy Launch Day .. everyone's up and about I see.

    Congratulations on your 2nd book being well on its way up the Amazon listings ..

    Loved the video - Vlog! Great fun - cheers Hilary

  12. Ah, Emily Carr...beyond unique very hard in her day and age for sure...have you read of her pet monkey?

  13. Your video is great! Love the costume - fantastic! And great choice of person - she sounds amazing.

    If I could be anyone then I'd be... (answer revealed on my blog!)

    Have a very happy e-launch. :-)

  14. What a fun video! Happy launch day, and best wishes for your continued success! :)

  15. Wonderful lady, I've not heard of her but she sounds fantastic!

    Happy, Happy Launch Day!!!

    I am channelling Angelina Jolie over at my blog... sassy lady.


  16. Hi,

    All the best with WWW: ain't that just a dandy abbreviation... WWW being the most successful thing tech wise since the Enigma code machine!

    Have a lovely launch day. ;)


  17. Happy launch day! Love your books, both will live permanently on my Kindle!

  18. Yay! You look fabulous Talli, Interesting pick too. You're right, I hadn't heard of her.

  19. Wishing you a mega successful launch day, Talli. I can't see the vlog on this computer so will need to sneak on to my husband's later. Looking forward to reading the book!

  20. Ahhh! It's Marilyn's ghost! We've found the new Marilyn! I'm coming to London! And spreading the word. Congrats on the release, Talli! Watching Willow Watts was a fabulous read!!!!!! I Loved it!

  21. Congratulations and have a great day!

    What a great character you have chosen. I wasn't expecting someone like that, but you made a good choice. :)

  22. Huge congrats to you on this big day! And I loved your video. Very gutsy of you! And did you realise you were doing the Marilyn shoulder shake as you spoke?

  23. Happy Launch Day, Talli!

    I'm so impressed with your Marilyn vlog - awesome.

    Have fun and here's to zillions of sales!

  24. Great video!

    Nice to learn of Emily Carr. I've always envied Georgia O'Keeffe, all alone in New Mexico painting her petunias and cow skulls. :)

  25. Congrats on your great launch! I loved The Hating Game and am very excited for Willow! Julie

  26. Happy Launch Day Talli, I wish you and the book every success.


  27. Congrats Talli, I wish you great success with your new book, I must go and buy it. Love your vlog! Enjoy your day!

  28. Happy launch day! Me? I'd, twenty years ago so I could get my writing arse in gear sooner and perhaps I'd be published by now. Willow Watts sounds fab, loved Jessica's review. I went to purchase and...ARRGHH! I don't have a Kindle. I didn't realize Willow was an ebook. All the more reason to get an e-reader.

  29. Hope the launch continues to go with a great big Hollywood bang! Love your video, looks like it was a lot of fun to make.

    I've blogged who I would like to be, and I'm reading the book on my Kindle. :)

  30. Congratulations!! I'm waiting for the paperback. I love paperbacks. If I could be anyone.... following other's example, come see me and find out!

  31. I love your choice, Talli. Carr sounds like an inspiration, and I love that you chose a fellow Canadian. Happy launch day! xx

  32. Oh, and I don't have a picture of the person I'd want to be, but I bet she looked a lot like your Emily Carr. Great choice, by the way.

  33. Oh pooh I'm at work and can't play your clip!!!

    Awww but I love your alter ego!!!! I've not heard of her so thank you - she sounds AMAZING!!

    HAPPY LAUNCH DAY!!!! YAYYAYAYAYYAY for you!!!!! Am now going to sneak in a glass of champers and some nibbles in your honour!! Yay!! Take care

  34. Congratulations on your launch! I posted my If I Could Be.

    Wishing you many happy sales.

  35. Happy Launch Day, Talli!!

    What a delightful suprise to hear about Emily Carr, whom I didn't know anything about and now I do!

  36. Just calling by to see how launch day is going Talli.
    I am happy in my own skin so am being me today! I have posted my review

  37. I love your vlog! It was so fun to hear your voice. :)

    I don't have a Kindle, so I'll have to wait until November - can't wait!

    Have an amazing launch day, Talli!

  38. I can't wait to get my paperback copy. I'll update my post with the info. YaY for Launch Day!

  39. YEAH! Happy Launch Day! You did a fine job with the vlog. And now you've got me curious about Emily Carr.

  40. Yay! Thank you so much, everyone! I'm trying my best to get around to everyone... bear with me. It's been so much fun seeing who everyone has chosen!

    So happy and thrilled with all the wonderful support.

  41. Launch day!
    And you'd still make a cute Marilyn.

  42. Have a great launch day Tali! Come for a visit and you will see who I would want to be. I sneak peeked your v-blog yesterday, what a blast. Hope you are having fun through all the hard work and wine drinking :) Cheers!

  43. First of all many congrats on the launch of your new book. If I could be anyone I chose - I'd be me!! Boring, I know...

  44. Congrats! yay! *throws confetti* Hope the blog splash is a big success!

  45. Yay!!! I'm LOVING Willow Watts - even in the craziness of back to school I'm reading any chance I get! :)

    Emily Carr is a good choice! :)

  46. Awesome! I'll buy your book today!

  47. Happy Release Day, Talli! It would be a cool to be a painter. I like to color and draw, but just for fun. I wish I had true artistic talent.

    I chose Mulan. She's a Disney character, haha!

  48. Happy Launch Day!!!! I love your pick- she must have had an amazingly interesting life!

  49. Congratulations, Talli! Open the champagne - or if you have already, ANOTHER one;-)

  50. I love your video-you're a natural! Happy Launch Day!

  51. Happy Launch Day! I can't see the video because I'm at work but I'm very happy for you!!!

  52. Fabulous! You make a good Marilyn and I love your choice - I LOVE Emily Carr! You dear dear Canuck - many joys today and I'll get your book when I can hold it in me hands!

  53. Happy Launch Day! :)

    Love the video.

    I think I've heard of Emily Carr before; though I hadn't known that much about her! She sounds like a very interesting person.

  54. Happy Launch Day, Talli! CONGRATS! Enjoyed the vlog. You make a wonderful Marilyn Monroe.

    I think if I could be anyone, I'd be Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. One of my favorite movies.

  55. Congratulations on your launch day! I watched the video all the way through but you didn't sing Happy Birthday Mr President and I was so sure you were going to! ;-)

    I've never heard of Emily Carr. She sounds like a talented lady (much like yourself). Sorry I haven't joined in on this blogfest (so little time etc etc) and I can't think of anyone I'd rather be because all the folk I think of seem to have had trials in their lives. Safer to stay as I am.

  56. Really cool 'production', Talli. Congrats on the release!

  57. Woo! Talli, I already got my copy and CAN'T WAIT! It's in the que! :D I'll blog about my choice tomorrow, but for now, my "who would you be" is up on FB~

    Best of luck! <3

  58. Happy Launch Day, Talli. I just returned to blogging so I missed the sign up for your websplash. Sorry! But I'll do you one better - I'll buy the book when it comes out in November! <3

    Here's to your great success - you deserve it!

  59. Happy Book Release Day!

    You make a lovely, Marilyn!

    If I could be anyone I'd be (drum roll) Kent Brown. He's an amazing man and the heart of the Highlight's Magazine/Foundation.

    Congrat's again, Talli.

  60. Congrats on launch day! (so exciting!) And if I could be anyone, it would probably be someone younger, so I could see more of what the future will bring. :)

  61. Kisses back! Love the video. And your pick! Emily Carr was such a strong, passionate, talented woman.

  62. Exciting day going on over here! Wishing you the very, very best on Willow Watts' Launch Day :)

  63. Happy Launch Day!! I loved the book and your choice is so cool. I hadn't heard of her before.

    Great blogfest, Talli. :)

  64. Congrats TALLI!!!!! Happy Launch Day!!!! I LOVED the book!

    Marilyn was the perfect choice for WILLOW ... Your VLOG was fantastic and you looked great!

    I hope to read lots of If I could be's... Also plan to tweet and Facebook throughout the day.

    Congrats again!

  65. Woot Woot! Congratulationis, Talli! I can't wait to read Watching Willow Watts (wonderful title too!)

  66. Oh, oh , oh! Emily Carr? Really? I *love* Emily. I've read all her stuff. Someone even once stole on of my Emily Carr books!
    My dream is to find her lost England journals at some car boot sale and pick them up for only a fiver [g]

  67. Happy launch day! (Today I'm Mary Wollstonecraft!)

  68. Congratulations! Hope you have a blast. So incredibly cute that you dressed up as Marilyn. Chicago just erected a HUGE Marilyn statue on Michigan Avenue - you should have Michael D take a picture for you!

  69. You've made me feel like a bad Canadian because I didn't know about Emily Carr. Shame on me!

  70. Congratulations, Talli! Excited for you! I am going to have to check out this book.

  71. I just posted mine, yay! Happy launch day, Talli, I'm so excited for you xxx

    Love your choice, by the way. An artist and a writer and a total Canadian icon for you. Brilliant.

  72. YEAH! Happy Launch Day!
    I love your Marilyn impersonation! And it was great fun to think up who I'd be. :)

  73. Nice vlog--you look absolutely lovely. And you did pick an obscure person to be. I struggled with the question.

    Best of success with the book!

    Tossing It Out

  74. HAPPY OFFICIAL RELEASE DAY OF WWW! I feel privileged to have read it in advance though! :)

    Now I have the copy as a way of saying thanks.

  75. Woo hoo, Happy Release Day, Talli! Watching Willow Watts is a great read, and I know it will do well! I certainly enjoyed it. :)

    If I could be anyone, I'd be... Chun Li! Well, I've spilled my secret here, but anyone who wants to see photos of my costume (oh yes, I dressed up!) will have to check out my blog post. ;)

  76. You're amazing, Talli. I am so impressed by what you've organized, here. My entire sidebar is filled with images of your book and I feel chill bumps tingling on my skin as I write this.

    You are a force to be reckoned with. Emily Carr would be proud of her Canadian sister. (Even though she now lives in England. ;))

    Really, really impressed, girl.

  77. Happy Launch Day!

    Great job on the v-log. I'm having fun reading everybody's entries for who they wish they could be. I have no idea who I'd be, but I love your choice. Someone artsy and mysterious would suit me. :)

    Congrats again on the release and best of luck!!

  78. Congrats on the new book and Happy Launch Day!

    Excellent job with your own Marilyn Monroe look and wonderful explanation of why you chose Marilyn Monroe.

    If I could be anyone, I would be Bruce Lee. Yeah, I know. I'm a girl. But Bruce is's hard to explain. Beyond his perfect body, masterful martial arts skills and beautiful smile, he had some demons to deal with. He was perfect imperfection.

  79. Phew! Finally have a second to pop back here!

    I am honestly overwhelmed and so grateful for all the support everyone has shown me. I could't have asked for a better community of people around me. xx BIG LOVE!

    I'm trying to make it around to everyone... bear with me!

  80. Happy launch day from Devon. Am with you in spirit - speaking of spirits, I hope you've raised a glass or two today!

  81. Hey Talli, congratulations. I finally have it up and I wanna be Nina Simone.

  82. That's so cool that you would be an obscure painter. You must have a true artist's heart. (=
    I'm looking forward to reading WWW. (=

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Congratulations! Happy Launch Day!!
    Enjoy everything!!!

  85. Look at you! I've never seen you speak--very cute vid. :) Happy launch day to you!!!!

  86. I've been looking forward to this vlog! :-)

    Congratulations on your book launch and I'm off to Amazon now! :-)

  87. Yay!!! Happy Launch Day! Love the vlog, and I must look up Emily Carr now! I'm sending virtual confetti your way!

  88. Happy launch day, Talli! I keep getting an error every time I try to watch your vlog :( will keep coming back to try ...

  89. I came over here from Elle Strauss' blog (, bought a copy of Willow, and look forward to reading it!
    And, wow, you would want to be Emily Carr? She was right on the top of my list, too! But then I thought better of it, because I don't really like dogs, and she spent a lot of her time breeding dogs to make money for her art. I still haven't figured out who I want to be yet.

  90. Congrats on your launch day! Yay for you and Willow. BTW, You look adorable as MM. Great vlog. =D

  91. Happy launch day sweetie! You've worked hard for it. The book is a fun read!

    I can’t do this on my blog because it’s booked two months in advance with guests, so I’ll answer it here, Talli.

    Who would I be? While there is lots of people I admire I’ve always been rather comfortable in my own skin. A character in one of my stories has a life I think is very cool. Alexis Raine Martin, aka, Raine, is a wildlife photographer and biologist. Her passion is predators and wolves in particular. She’s on the hunt for a person who is targeting several wolf packs she’s photographed. There have been unexplained deaths and seemingly ritualistic killings. Why? Another, Nico, is also investigating those deaths but from another angle. They’re his brethren. Death has followed the beautiful Alexis Raine Martin wherever she went and he planned on stopping it.

    It’s been fun writing her adventures. She comes from a family with some unusual powers—communication with animals is just one of them. It’s something I always wished I could do, ditto on documenting animals and particularly wolf packs in the wild. A secret longing, as a kid, was the ability to become an animal—like a wolf, or one of the big cats and run with them and see their world as they do. Um, so long as I could return to my own skin, lol!

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  92. Happy Launch Day! I love the person your choose and the description of her paining in the wilderness absolutely appealed to me too.

  93. Congrats on launch day! I've got you on my to read list on Goodreads.

  94. Happy WWW birthday!!! Congrats Talli, you've worked soooo hard for this...

    Sorry I'm a little late to the party - just home from work... off to post right now!

    Well done lovely and hope you had a fab day

  95. grats, talli!

    me, i'd like to be someone like either jim henson or joseph campbell... my fave fantasy and mythology 'heros' :)

  96. ok... edgar allan poe or howard phillips lovecraft, in the horror genre! :D

  97. Absolutely fantastic! Well done and lots of good luck for successful sales.

    CJ xx

  98. Ahhhhh! CONGRATS on the release! I will buy it as soon as I can get behind the firewall (which means when I get home).

    :) :) :)

  99. Happy happy happy HAPPY launch day!!!!! :) EEEK! I loved the vlog, very cute! :)

  100. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has helped spread the word and commented here!

    I'm so thrilled to report that Willow made it onto the top 100 on Amazon UK, and number 2 on Movers and Shakers (above Stephen King, wow!). I couldn't have done it without all of you!

    I'm making my way around to all the blogs and really loving reading all the entries! Sadly I'm not going to get to everyone tonight (it's after 10 pm here) but I will tomorrow!

    Thank you again, everyone. You'e given me another fantastic launch day, and I'm so so grateful.

  101. CONGRATS! i've heard nothing but wonderful things about your book! i'd be audrey hepburn, an actress and humanitarian i idolized growing up. i love coffee and wine too. i had to add that after reading your header. because i'm six months pregnant and missing them. sigh. christy

  102. Happy Launch Day!

    Congratulations and wish you mega success!

  103. Yay! Happy Launch Day. Love the video :) Thanks for stopping by and seeing who I would be :)

  104. Yay, Talli! Happy Launch day!!! You make a lovely Marilyn. I enjoyed the video and look forward to reading Willow's story.

  105. Congratulations on the launch! I read the review for 'Watching Willow Watts' yesterday and I can't wait to gobble up a copy!

    If I could be anybody, I'd I like me (for the most part), and I do it so well. (;

    Congrats again!

  106. Congratulations Talli!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! :)

  107. Thanks for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment!

    Chuffed to bits that you joined via Google friend connect, too.

    Wishing you loads of success on your launch day.

  108. Talli, I loved your vlog. Marilyn was such a contradiction and such a fascinating person. And I loved your choice of who you would be. What a fascinating woman. This launch day party was so much fun. Thanks for thinking it up so we could all participate. Happy Launch Day!!!!!!

  109. Congratulations on your launch, this is so exciting!

    Here's my 'If I could be anyone then I'd be...' post:

  110. Bought WWW last night and am already halfway through. I'm loving it! Thanks Talli for the great story :)

  111. Happy Launch Day to you! Hope you had an awesome one and the wine flowed. Love your choice of who you'd be. Emil Carr sounds like a fascinating woman.

  112. The hubby fixed my blog! YAYAYAYAYA! So my post it up. So happy to take part in the blog fest because you so deserve every word of celebration!

  113. Congratulations, Talli! I thought I'd already left a comment here but couldn't find it...I was probably hallucinating this morning.

    So happy you got into the Top 100 on Amazon!!! Woot Woot!!!

    I enjoyed this websplash once again! I can't wait to read Willow Watts! :)

  114. Hi Talli - It's still Wednesday in Utah, so I posted my character, promoting "Willow". All the best for a wonderful book launch and GRRREAT sales!

  115. Congratulations Talli. Willow is moving from strength to strength. Bask in the wonderfulness of it all.

    I haven't heard of Emily Carr before, but I will be sure to search her out. Great Launch Party.

  116. Talli - you rock! Congratulations on such an awesome day & the top 100 with Amazon. Wonderful! Your spirit always makes me smile.

  117. Loved the vlog! And happy launch day. :)

    You make a great Marilyn, by the way.

    Hmm . . . and I would be Hermione, because I love that she's smart and confident and so grounded to boot.

  118. yay for you!!! congrats and good luck!

  119. Congratulations!!! Happy Launch Day. I got into this just a bit ago so I missed the whole entire party. :( I still posted though, because I believe it's never too late to party.

  120. Hooray! Congrats, Talli. Starting your book tonight. Love my immediate purchase button.

  121. So I found you Talli via Alex Cavanaugh's page...:)

    You've got a wonderful blog...I am seeing Marilyn Monroe in it! Your look-a-like I am sure Talli!!!

    It's no mistake when Alex said you are the cutest Canadian girl one could ever meet!

    Have a nice day Talli!

  122. Congratulations Talli! i'm so happy for you. I'm going to buy the paperback as soon as it comes out. (I don't have a Kindle, sorry!)
    If I could be anyone? I think it'd be fun to be Jane Austen, so that I could possibly meet some of the real-life inspirations for the characters in her books. I also think it'd be fun to be one of those classic Hollywood actors for a day, like Ginger Rogers, just to see what movies were like back then.

  123. Happy launch day! You look great as Marilyn. I look forward to reading your books.
    I have not heard of Emily Carr before, interesting. I'll have to check her out.

    My Grandpa was a Canadian Watercolorist
    Interesting I just realised we never say 'Million Pound' question it's always a 'million dollar' one! LOL!

  124. Congratulations!!!! Happy launch day! I'm a bit late on the greeting, but I trust everything went well! I'm so excited to read your book .:D


  125. Congrats, Talli. Way to go with the vlog. You're adorable, and I love your accent! Your book sounds fantastic. I want to read it, for sure. Let's see, I'd like to be Lucille Ball! Best comedienne ever. I mean, c'mon, I Love Lucy, and doesn't everybody love Lucy? LOL

  126. I look forward to the paperback!

    I'm quite familiar with Emily Carr... a fine artist, to say the least, with some evocative work!

    And I'd have to be Wyatt Earp. Just saying.


Coffee and wine for all!