And I've tried everything to stop things from going wrong. Schedules. Lists, ad nauseum. But even when I make a list and read it -- over and over again, sometimes staring at it for hours -- things don't seem to be getting done. I'm crossing items off. I'm working my way through. But somehow, some way, pesky little items slip through my soggy brain and fall by wayside.
There's only one excuse. My mind has gone missing. Declared itself closed for business. Holed up with the politicians while they debate coalitions and cupcakes.
Yet how I can remember to buy wine and éclairs, while forgetting the milk? Why can I write blog posts no problem, yet anguish over edits? Is it selective brain functioning? Has only a select group of neurons decided to shut down?
Please come back, neurons. No more lists, I promise!
(PS - The still-working part of my brain wishes to thank you all for the lovely comments yesterday! General consensus seems to be in favour of cupcakes!)
blog posts reward you with comments. it's that instant connection to others you identify with. milk, while important and a staple, is so boring compared to wine and eclairs!! just pause for a breather?
ReplyDeleteWell hey give yourself credit as you DO have a ton going on right now!
ReplyDeleteIf you find a solution to your problem, please-please-please share. I make list and then lose them.
Thoughts in Progress
Is that what's been happening to me? Thanks for explaining!
ReplyDeleteIt happens to me all the time. Besides, you don't really need milk when you have wine and eclairs. :) Just remember to breathe and you'll be alright.
ReplyDeleteTell me too!
ReplyDeleteActually, I just have to make everything into a... um... game. Don't run away! What I mean is, if I pretend this is not actually something I'm supposed to be doing or I reward myself with cookies I have no problem working. It's only when I realise I'm studying that I hit a brick wall....
Hahaha, that happens to me, too. Or I make lists, and then I conveniently lose them, so when I find them I'm like "oh... I meant to clean the bathroom 3 weeks ago. Oh well!"
ReplyDeleteLists! I live for lists. Then lose them, or find them in pants I wore two days ago.
ReplyDeleteDon't sweat the small stuff. It'll all come out in the wash. (Like my lists.)
Lists are silly... wine and eclairs really are the only items needed for the perfect evening. Who needs the milk?
ReplyDeleteJust teasing. I am guessing that the parts that give you the most trouble seem to be the first to go. It had been weeks since I had been able to revise my novel and suddenly yesterday a little mojo came back and I was able to rewrite 6100 words and it felt amazing!!! Good luck bestie :)
Oh yes, the list. I'm a big fan of making them but then I have so many, I have to make lists of lists. Hope your neurons decide to come back and preserve your sanity!
ReplyDeleteThat's how I felt yesterday! My brain was all muddled and fuddled, foggy and moggy! Luckily, it passed and I'm thinking like my usual self today (so far!). :) So this too will pass! Just give it some time. While you're waiting, kick up your feet, have a glass of wine and a cupcake!
ReplyDeleteA saying around this house is "Today milk cost..." because every time someone goes to the store to buy milk you always remember several other things that are needed. Of course, this doesn't count the thing you remember as you're walking back into the house.
ReplyDeleteWine and eclairs are must more important than milk!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, things will straighten out for you!
Ha ha ha! That all rings very true. That spongy feeling inside your head. "I'm sure there was something I was supposed to be getting on with... Yes, yes, yes I must do that. Right after I watch Britain's Got Talent!"
ReplyDeleteI try to write lists but keep losing them. I managed to lose one in the supermarket the other day somewhere between the bakery aisle (yum!) and the frozen veg aisle (not so yum!) And I thought that sort of thing is supposed to happen when you are in your 80s not your 30s...
I have neuron problems and selective brain functioning as well, Talli! But, really, aren't eclairs a necessity?
ReplyDeleteI'm very much like you -- I make lists (I rely on lists, really), I cross things off, and then later on I go, "Oh! I forgot about that completely!" and it wasn't on my list. How does that happen? How come some things just get done with no problems, and others take forever for me to remember, never mind DO?
ReplyDeleteI hope both our neurons come back soon.
I am so glad to hear I am not alone in this! Maybe there's something electrical interfering with our neurons? Surely I can't be at fault, can I?
ReplyDeleteI would be more worried if you forgot the wine and éclairs and remembered the milk! No Honestly, I would! I am not a list person. I tried it a few times, but I kept misplacing the lists. Gave it up as an added aggravation to my already aggravated life.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we need to slack off the wine and drink a little more milk? Huh? :)
ReplyDeleteuh, yep. I can relate. I cannot remember anything. I went to a party with my fella last week and left him in a group of people he didn't know because I couldn't remember their names to introduce him! Gadzooks!
ReplyDeleteWe all have mental meltdowns - you'll be okay!
ReplyDeleteHave a cupcake!
I love lists. As I cross items off I feel accomplished.
ReplyDeleteI like that...coalitions and cupcakes. Maybe with more cupcakes, better coalitions would be forged.
I make lists and forget something all the time - thought it was normal!
ReplyDeleteYou know when you're making lists of your lists, like I found myself doing, it's time to reconfigure the whole system!
ReplyDeleteI'm writing a book about Alzheimer's, so that's my excuse. My neurons are getting in character.
ReplyDeleteIt actually sounds to me like you've got your priorities straight. ;)
ReplyDeleteSince when is milk important? Only to enable the eating of more cupcakes... I've lost my mind once, got it back, realized it wasn't mine (could have been yours) lost it again and now, my brain is just filled with leaves... and math. Funny post.
Ha I think it's the selective neurons ;) lol. Try a big white board and get lots of colorful markers to write with. Draw pictures to go with your to-do's that way you won't forget. You'll pair the thing you have to do with a nifty pic and then go "Holy crap! I almost forgot!". It works!
ReplyDeleteI think eclairs are very important :) I feel the same, like all the time! If I get my brain back I'll tell you how I did it, if you get yours back then tell me k?
ReplyDeleteIf I find a solution, rest assured I'll fill you in. I can tell you now: wine doesn't help.
ReplyDeleteRemembering wine and elcairs but forgetting milk? Sounds to me like you have your priorities straight. I think a bit of a scattered mind at times means a creative mind all the time.
ReplyDeleteI think it's possible there is a mind spa somewhere where author minds spend about 90% of their time, as mine has gone missing far more frequently, the deeper into writing I dive--ESPECIALLY if i try to edit. That's just ASKING for rebellion!
ReplyDeleteI have that too...sometimes a little too much. lol.
ReplyDeleteYou need a cat!
Take care
Hang in there! Don't panic... just breathe, breathe, breathe! We'll find your mind, somehow. :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe your mind's gone off on holiday with mine. I can't seem to find it anywhere! Hmmmm...cupcakes...
ReplyDeleteDid someone say wine...and cupcakes?!?
ReplyDelete(My mind left the building a long time ago.)
If I enjoyed milk as much as I enjoy wine, I'd have no problems with my grocery shopping!
ReplyDeleteGood post.
I feel your pain since I'm right there with you. Thanks for a great post that lets me vicariously commiserate. :)
ReplyDeleteI like Old Kitty's advice - a cat sounds like just what you need!
ReplyDeleteActually, it sounds like your brain is on overload from all the exciting stuff going on in your life right now (like with The Hating Game getting published - so cool!) You really can't blame it for letting a few things slip through the cracks.
Aww, maybe you just need a very well deserved break. I feel like I've lost my mind at least once on a daily basis. Mindless activities, like celebrity gossip and vapid television shows help ;)
ReplyDeleteIf you've got the wine and the cupcakes you've got the essentials anyway!
ReplyDeleteIf you happen to find your mind, see if its seen mine hiding in the same spot. I could use it back!
ReplyDeleteI can really relate to this one.
Last week I went to the store & forgot the very first item on the list! & it was the most important item, that's why it was there! :)
Consider it some sort of writer's syndrome!
I’ve enjoyed looking over your blog. I came across it through another blog I follow, and I’m glad I did. I am now a follower of yours as well. Feel free to look over my blog and perhaps become one as well.
ReplyDeleteOh no!! LOL Hope things are getting better for you. ;-)
ReplyDeleteJust thinking that lists can fail makes me nervous! I hope it's a temporary thing and that you're back on track in no time at all. Good luck with those edits :)
ReplyDeleteI make lists and forget them every time!
ReplyDeleteI'm always up for cupcakes... unless there're cookies involved.
ReplyDeleteAt least the PM issue is resolved... you can check politics off of your list of things to worry about.
I put a kettle of water onto boil while I ironed the dress I was going to wear to work. After I finished ironing, I went for a shower, and quite forgot about the kettle, which by the time I reached it had less than half an inch of water.
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone.
We're having the same day. Pass the wine! :)
ReplyDeleteI know you have a ton going on right now, so I thought I'd just remind you of the internal conflict blogfest. I'm looking forward to reading yours. Mine has been called boring. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteWell, you can't hit a homerun each time, Roland
If it's any comfort I do that all the time!
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone! I think our brain programs us to respond to the really good stuff like wine, cupcakes, shoes, bags ;-) xx
ReplyDeleteWell that's b/c wine and bloggy friends take TOP priority! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI have the same problem. I'm blaming mine on pregnancy brain, but I'm really worried the holes in my gray matter won't fill up even after the baby comes. Good luck! I hope your neurons return from being on strike.
ReplyDeleteHow come you remember wine and eclairs, but not the milk? Er ... now THERE'S a difficult one.
ReplyDeleteI have neuron problems and selective brain functioning as well
ReplyDeleteindian classified site
Haha... *sigh* I think I have the same brain malfunctioning disease you have. It's spreading!