I'm a firm believer that Twitter can sell books. In my own experience, it's proven true. I've had some wonderful promotional opportunities come my way through Twitter which -- judging from Amazon sales rank -- have had a direct impact on my sales. So... here are my top 10 Twitter tips for beginners!
1. Choose an easy user name -- your own name is best. You want your Twitter name to relate to your 'brand'. So if you write children's books, your Twitter name shouldn't be Porno101.
2. Upload an avatar. A photo of yourself is usually best, but if you're not comfortable with that then make sure it's something that stands out and reflects your brand again.
3. Fill out the profile information and include a link to your blog (rather than your website). The more information you put out there about yourself, the more people will want to follow you. Make sure the information you put relates to the kind of follower you want to attract. In my Twitter profile, I tried to include writer, novel, etc. People may also search by geographic location, so having your city is also important. I've experimented with the blog vs website link several times and I've found by putting your blog as your profile link, you can get more blog followers.
4. Follow others. Twitter is highly interactive -- even more so than blogging. It's not meant to be a one-way conversation. One of my pet peeves on Twitter is when people have 5000 followers but they follow 5. To me, that's just missing out on the fun of Twitter. The more people you follow, usually the more that will follow you. Not only that, but you'll have more of a chance to jump in and join the conversation when you see a topic that interests you. If you're having problems finding someone to follow, find a famous writer on Twitter (Margaret Atwood, for example) or agent (Nathan Bransford) and follow their followers.
5. Don't be afraid to jump in! Twitter is all about interaction. People expect - and want - others to respond to what they're saying. Don't get put off if they don't respond; just keep responding and they'll notice you.
6. Don't use Twitter solely to promote your book. Like anything else, if you only push a product, people will get turned off.
7. The more you Tweet, the more followers you'll get. If you tweet once a week, chances are your followers will grow quite slowly.
8. Retweet, do FollowFriday (where you recommend other people to follow) and, in general, take part. Just like blogging, the more involved you are, the more followers you'll get.
The curse of eight strikes again!
Twitter is not just about what people had for breakfast. It's fun, it's a great way to network and more importantly -- for those of us who want to sell a few books here and there -- it's a fantastic promotional tool that authors really can't afford to ignore!
*climbs down off soapbox* If you want to follow me, click here for my Talli Roland account and here for my Marsha Moore account.
Happy Tuesday! I'd love to hear your tips!
Yay for Twitter's Ten for Tuesday! T T T !!!!
ReplyDeleteI also hate when people use it as their sole purpose for promotion.
I like Twitter because, as a writer, I spend a lot of time solo. It makes me feel like I belong! Sad, I know.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips, Talli. I still need to bravely dive into Twitter deeper.
ReplyDeleteI don't use Twitter as much as I should. I find that I just don't have the time. However, I know that I should so I will try harder.
All good tips, thanks.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant no-nonsense tips, especially for newbies.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I use Twitter but not as much as I perhaps should. Thanks for the tips Talli, I'm going to take the advice. :)
ReplyDeleteI stuck my toe into the twitter water and then removed it cause I found it all a bit confusing. I've since read the wonderful book Twitter Power so will probably have a go at it again in the near future.
ReplyDeleteC x
These are wonderful tips, and I'm glad to hear you have sold books due to twitter. I've gained blog followers and since my current need is to find published authors with books to sell, twitter is a great place to find MASSES of them. It's so hard though to wade through the constant barrage. I'm taking it a step at a time & learning as I go.
ReplyDeleteGreat, great points, all of them! I don't tweet as often as I'd like to - mostly because I just forget to tweet fun stuff - but I'm really working on that and it makes such a difference!
ReplyDeleteI might add that using hashtags and tweeting about loads of different things will win you more followers. I've found that to be true, because when I tweet about different kinds of stuff, I pick up new followers quicker.
I've got an account, but don't use it...but someday. I barely have time for anything now. I should hire my daughter to manage it for me! She's probably funnier than I am!
ReplyDeleteI hate that these are good points, I want to continue avoiding twitter as long as possible for no other reason than it's twitter. sorry excuse I know but it's the one I have!
ReplyDeleteGreat advice Talli - I'm getting better on Twitter, but still do more lurking than participating! :)
ReplyDeleteI have a hard enough time keeping up with blogger. It takes me about 1-2 hours a day just to get through everyone's posts. How do you handle both?
ReplyDeleteBrilliant points there, I don't use Twitter as much as I should as time permits, but you're right, it does have it's place, and I absolutely know what you mean about people who have 5000 followers and follow 5! lol!
ReplyDeleteGood ideas, I do try to do follow friday, but I've been a bit lax recently, and I find it really difficult on the mobile.
ReplyDeleteYou're awesome! I'm still learning the whole twitter thing, I'm practicing posting things just about the blog and what not but now I feel ashamed that some of it is just for promotion, just because I haven't gotten the hang of it *blushes* I don't want Candyland to hate me.
ReplyDeleteGood tips. I'm always trying to learn more about Twitter.
Thoughts in Progress
I hear what you say, Talli - I just find it Soooo hard keeping up with ten conversations at once. And then three hours have slipped by and I'm still in pyjamas - and then there's the writing, and the FB, and the housework - oh, and the eating thing... I guess I could skip that!
ReplyDeleteHappy Twittering!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to know you are enjoying this and having a ball! That's the most important thing - so long as you enjoy it, then go for it!! :-)
Take care
Such great tips once again. Thanks, Talli! I just opened my account about 2 hours ago, so your timing couldn't have been better :)
ReplyDeleteYou have a great article about common sense Twittering. I like that suggestion about linking up to your blog instead of your website.
ReplyDeleteYou make such good points. Now I have a great excuse to Tweet! :)
ReplyDeleteI will most likely never join twitter. I have too many other things I do online, I should not and will not add more.
ReplyDeleteI want Porno101 as my user-name:) I must admit I'm a terrible twitterer, but I aim to do better. I might take some lessons from you, though:)
ReplyDeleteThese are wonderful tips I'm printing out to refer to if I ever decide to twitter!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips. I admit, I've slacked off on tweeting. I'm trying to get back into it, though.
ReplyDeleteHaha, even though I have not made my way on to Twitter, you make me want to do get on it!!
ReplyDeleteIn May, I took a workshop on Twitter and Facebook. I think you should've taught it. I still haven't opened a Twitter account because I'm afraid of losing more time.
ReplyDeleteAwesome tips, Talli! I opened a Twitter account but I've never actually done anything with it. I'm going to bookmark this because one of these days I'm going to take the plunge and do it!
ReplyDeleteYou DO have an 8 thing going for you lately. Maybe 8 is your new lucky number?
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I just joined twitter this week...and I haven't had much time to play with it. I will keep these tips in mind. Thank you. :)
I need to get more involved in the whole Twitter thing - thanks for the great tips :)
ReplyDeleteTalli--That was the BEST article I've read on the positives of using Twitter! I'll try and do more than being a lurker from now on.
ReplyDeleteYou're so right Talli and twitter does everything for everyone..sell books, make people famous, make starts even more famous and then you get to meet cool people too that you can socialize with :)
Some good points there. I hardly use twitter! I think it was the overly used self promotion that put me off. But you've made me think twice.
ReplyDeletethe only thing is that it all takes up so much time!!
ReplyDeleteI so needed this post - I haven't a clue about Twitter!
ReplyDeleteI have two problems, though. Firstly, where do you find the time?! Do you Twitter via your computer, or do you also use your mobile/blackberry/iphone etc? How much time a day do you spend on Twitter? Secondly, what happens if your name has already been taken, as mine has been?
I told you I haven't a clue. LOL
I'm horrible about tweeting!! Thanks for these great tips, I think they will help put me back in the game.