Something Jen wrote about yesterday made me remember the best best beeeeest bookshop ever, and I'm dying to share it with you!
The first time I walked into this shop, my mouth dropped open. Really. I couldn't believe shops like this actually existed -- it was the bookshop of my dreams. Dark wood, squeaky panelled floors and a high glass ceiling gave the whole place a church-like feel. It was perfect location to engage in a little book worship.
Just off Marylebone High Street in Central London, Daunt Books is located an original Edwardian bookshop. Honestly, I just want to bring a blanket, curl up and stay there forever!
Where's your favourite bookshop?
That is a cool shop! There was one in New Mexico called Page One that was huge and across the street sat Page One Too - all used and remainders. I LOVED that store! So quaint and so full!
ReplyDeleteThere was a bookstore in my college town that I really liked; not much aesthetically, but their selection was incredible, and they had tons of rare and first-edition books.
ReplyDeleteI've yet to see a fairy-tale bookstore in real life, but I'm holding out hope! :-)
Omg, you mentioned me in your post! I think I fainted a little. :D
ReplyDeleteHope you get many more followers!
It's beautiful. I want to cry.
ReplyDeleteSomeday, I will visit.
A new bookstore just opened up in my town. I was so excited! It has a cafe and everything. I went there and...where are all the books? Seriously, there were--maybe--a hundred books scattered around the cafe on regular bookshelves like you'd see in someone's home. There's an upstairs with used books. That might have been nice, but the prices were steep for used, when I have a great used bookstore a block away selling for one quarter the price and ten times the selection.
ReplyDeleteI'm completely jealous of those with the cool bookstores. lol
Mine's boring. I've just got the standard Barnes & Noble. I want something cool!
Mine is Borders, not because it's cool or even that charming (but much better than B & N imho), but they support local authors, which I think is THE BEST thing a bookstore can do. Borders is a chain that acts like an indie. I love that about it.
ReplyDeleteI want something cool too. Leicester has fewer bookshops by the day. We don't even have any interesting second hand ones anymore. the charity shops have seen them off. It's times like this that make me wish I lived in London.
ReplyDeleteI want to be in that bookshop NOW! Lucky you! My town has a Borders. Actually, it's only a Borders Express. Target, Walmart, Lowe's, and big chain restaurants everywhere, but no one will put in a big Borders or Barnes & Noble. Hmm, maybe I should look into doing it myself... :o)
ReplyDeleteThanks for pimpin' my blog!!! I loved the picture you linked on my blog it was amazing! I would love a bookstore like that!
ReplyDeleteRight now mine is Blue Willow Bookshop which is about 10 minutes away from my work they always have the best authors and great attitudes! They love books as much as we do!
I believe that love at first site has now occurred...
ReplyDeleteMUST GET TO LONDON!!!!!
We have the usual: B&N and BooksAMillion. They both are quite nice and allow me to get my book fix, its just they lack the wonder independent bookstore or buildings that are historic. don't get me wrong I wouldbe honored to have a book of mine in any bookstore, but as a consumer I love the feel of something like DauntBooks is giving off.
Thank you for sharing! ;o)
Visit MY Kingdom Anytime
I love this bookstore. I want it! Now I am going to have to make a trip to London so I can breathe in this wonderful bookstore.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful bookstore! Talli, one day I will get to London and you WILL take me there! You don't have a choice! ;) (OK that sounded a little pushy, sorry...)
ReplyDeleteIf I'm ever in London, I am SO there! We have a used bookstore not too far away. It's housed in a huge barn, stocked to overflowing with just about every book imaginable. There's always some funky cd playing on the stereo, Norah Jones or some such, and cats lounging everywhere. A great place to spend a few hours.
ReplyDeleteI'd like that as my own personal library. Wouldn't that be great? Everything seems better in London.
ReplyDeleteI am loving reading about your favourite bookshops but I think we should organise a group trip to London and Daunt Books! I'll happily house everyone in my tiny flat (floor OK?) and we can hit the town and buy loads of books!
ReplyDeleteOh, and there's also an antique book shop down the street from me to the left, and a super-cool shop selling women's fiction from the eighteenth century onwards to the right! A veritable plethora of bookshops.
ReplyDeleteI'm so unoriginal but it would be Barnes & Noble. The first time I was in one, I was in college and I almost passed out from excitement. I walked the entire store from back left corner to front right corner. Three books left with me that night and I make it a habit to go in every time I'm near one.
ReplyDeleteI am SO there!
ReplyDeleteThere was a bookstore in Montpelier VT where I went to college that was the coolest! No coffee shop, that was around the corner. They had EVERYTHING! New and used.
I've got the regular stuff here B&N, Borders, and a few used places but they've really got crap.
I want to go to SC to visit B.Miller's barn bookstore with all the cats.
Ooh, it looks really nice. I love the old wood and high window, and of course all the books everywhere. Borders and Barnes and Noble are nice, but I wish we had something more like your Daunt Books to go to.
ReplyDeleteI like the floor to ceiling shelves and love the glass ceiling!
ReplyDeleteI went to a bookstore in San Francisco. Can't remember the name. It was small, but had weird turns and sharp corners. It was like a maze and not easy to get through since it was quite busy.
Straight From Hel
OMG, I want to visit that bookshop! Maybe one day...
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is Barnes and Noble. There's not any independent booksellers close to where I live, but B & N does rock.
Oh, beautiful bookstore!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on making it over that hundred hump.
ReplyDeleteIt's a lovely bookshop isn't it?
I have to admit my favourite one is a really sweet charity shop for the Isobel Hospice - over the past year they've jazzed it up a little to include the sweetest coffee place. Their bookshelves are always heaving and your really have to browse through them to get at treasures!
Take care
ReplyDeleteThat is an awesome bookshop! I guess I'm kind of unoriginal because I just love B & N. There isn't a little independent one close to me. I love the way it smells and the rows upon rows of possibilities :)
I think I just fell in love with that bookshop! Next time I go down to London I'm gonna check it out.
ReplyDeleteMy fav. haunt isn't as grand...its a Waterstones bookshop. I get a Vanilla Latte from Starbucks and drink it while walking around deciding which books I want to get.
Congrats on over 112! I really want to come back to London and when I do I'm going to that bookstore. Wow!
ReplyDeleteWow. Looks like my kind of place.
ReplyDeleteWhen my lucky day arrives - I take a trip to London, I'm going to that book shop. If I enter your contest, will shipping to the US be horrible? I'm not familiar with these things. I've never had a friend in London before. ;)
ReplyDeleteI have two favorite book stores. The first is the Bodhi Tree in Los Angeles. And the second is Kramer Books in Dupont Circle, Washington DC. I live nowhere near either now, which totally blows!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! My that is a beautiful store. Sigh....
ReplyDeleteThere's a quaint store in downtown Toronto which I visit when we see our daughter. It's got a creaking wood floor and movable ladder to reach the upper shelves.
ReplyDeleteThat is one pretty book shop!! :)
ReplyDeleteThat is beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteMy fave bookstore closed years and years ago. Creaky old floors, crammed shelves, rickety staircase leading down to the kids' section. Loved it!
The Tattered Cover in Cherry Creek, CO when it was across from the mall. It's gone now, but it's old location was awesome. Four story old building, every level packed with books and comfy furniture.
ReplyDeleteI need to move to a city that boasts such nice bookstores. In fact, I'll settle for just one.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on reaching 100+!
How did I miss this store when I was in London? It's so pretty! I love perusing antique stores and second hand shops for books. Of course there is the Borders Express that is oh so close to my house.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your followers, and all of their comments! sheesh! What are you going to do with all of them!
It's not a bookstore, but the library in the clubhouse at my parents-in-law "adult community" (meaning you have to be over a certain age to live there and no kids) just took my breath away. Dark wood, ceiling to floor bookshelves, leather furniture - it was beautiful!
ReplyDeleteOh, wow. That is now on my list of things to see before I die.
ReplyDeleteThe Tattered Cover across from Cherry Creek Mall in Denver. It has all these dark woods stairs and a wide staircase with a really heavy, carved banister and this dark green carpet that made me feel like I was in some Edwardian study. And it smelled like a bookstore should, kind of musty and leathery and papery and fantastic!
ReplyDeleteIt is a lovely bookshop. I have already worshiped in there several times. :)
ReplyDeleteI love local bookshops, not owned by the big boys, but those with little recommendations from the people who work in the shop.
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous store!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm very fond of Book Passage in the San Francisco Bay Area - so many amazing events and ways to enjoy books. Unfortunately I don't live there anymore and I miss the store terribly
Yay - this is so great! I feel like I've been around the world in 40 bookstores (hey, that would make a great non-fiction travel type book. Hm).
ReplyDeleteCan you believe I've never set foot in a Barnes and Noble in my life! Is it like a Borders type thing?
I have lots of favorites, so I'll mention the newest one. Old Firehouse Books in Fort Collins, Colorado. It's housed in an old historic firehouse, creaky wooden floors, the kind of place you'd love to get accidentally locked up in overnight (as long as it's not haunted--I'm not sure about that).
ReplyDeleteOh I say, this is fantastic! I must stop by next time I'n in London!
ReplyDeleteOh I say, this is fantastic! I must stop by next time I'n in London!
ReplyDeleteOh I say, this is fantastic! I must stop by next time I'n in London!
ReplyDeleteOh I say, this is fantastic! I must stop by next time I'n in London! Bordes on Orchard Road in Singapore is a fave of mine - it's huge, and you can get completely lost in it!
ReplyDeleteOh I say, this is fantastic! I must stop by next time I'n in London! Bordes on Orchard Road in Singapore is a fave of mine - it's huge, and you can get completely lost in it!
ReplyDeleteI want to live there...