Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday is the New Friday

What? You didn't get that memo? Well, Happy Friday . . . er, Wednesday.

Working from home, I've realised I rarely know what day of the week it is. It doesn't help that for the past couple months, Mr TR has been working from home, too, on Thursdays and Fridays. Previously, I knew it was a work day when he wasn't here. Now, it's all so confusing. Is it a Thursday or a Saturday? A Friday or a Sunday? I just don't know!

The only clues lie in the view from my office window. On weekday mornings, the busy street is filled at 8 a.m. with scooter-riding school-kids in cute uniforms; red double-decker buses lumbering by; and commuters scurrying toward the Tube.

On the weekends, the street is deserted, except for the occasional loner drifting down the sidewalk. I love sitting at my desk on mornings like this, watching the city wake up.

What's your favourite time of the day, for writing or otherwise? Or favourite day of the week?


  1. I do not ever lose track of the day because I'm always looking forward to Friday! LOL. I've always loved Thursday evenings, though. I'm not sure why. I think because of the TV lineup.

    And I love your "coffee and wine for all!" I'll take both, please and thank you! LOL

  2. I've started to appreciate weekdays again since getting this new job, because I force myself to NOT work on the weekend. Now I do my own writing on the weekends and really look forward to it!

  3. LOL. Um *appreciate weekends* !!!

  4. Monday is my favorite day, because I take Sundays off and I'm eager to get back to writing on Mondays.

    Early morning, before everyone else wakes up, is my favorite time of the day, because I'm alone without distractions. I'm an introvert, anyway. I don't think I'm anti-social.

  5. Everyday at 4:30 a.m. At this hour, no one interrupts me. Once the sun is up, I have to whip my distractions into submission. I do sleep in on Sundays till about 6.

  6. Not 'working' and no kids at home make it hard for me to remember the day sometimes too. My hubs says every day is Saturday for me : ) He's kidding I'm sure?

  7. School kids have scooters?!!??! Eh?!?! LOL!

    I like late late late evenings - when the owls are screeching outside!

    Take care

  8. I have kids. All days are the same. We wake up, change diapers, go potty, have snack, play, have lunch, laundry, dishes, potty, diapers, dinner, bed. And somewhere in there I try to write. Every. Single. Day. It's all good, I love it, but I never know what day it is.

  9. Favourite time of the week is Thursday evenings because I don't work on Fridays and have three days off stretching in front of me.

  10. I'm hardly ever up for it, but the sunrise is my fave part of day. There's something so calm and peaceful about being up that early. Happy whatever day of the week it is! :)

  11. I do not have a clue what day of the week it might be. I get a hint on a Tuesday and Friday when they collect the rubbish at 4am. Every day is like a Saturday to me. I don't wear a watch any more so don't even ask me the time! :D

  12. For writing, I enjoy early morning and evening hours. They seem to be pretty low-key and quiet, perfect for getting words on the page.

  13. I see you have your outdoor clues as to the day. Most of the time, I haven't the foggiest idea what day it is and have to resort to opening the computer. Hurray, but then I'm in disbelief because I've missed so many days. :)

  14. What a great view! I love Thursdays. T and I both work from home and that is the night (we usually are so antsy by then to get out) that we go out to this Irish pub right by our house. Split a steak and have some wine. Happy Wednesday!

  15. You are a lucky woman to be working from home, watching the city wake up. And I LOVE those double-decker buses. Makes me think of that Joni Mitchell song... "because there was no driver on the top"!

    My favorite day of the week is any day I'm home alone and writing up a storm, whenever that might be.

  16. I have to admit, I love Mondays. Hubs and kid are both gone and the house is mine.Especially appreciated as my son is 17 and we have teens in and out of the house all weekend.

    Writing usually happens a couple hours in the morning and then after dinner. In between is everything else that need doing.


  17. I always lose track of days. I prefer weekdays, actually, since then I have guaranteed writing time when my boys nap. Although once baby #3 comes along (I'm due the 20th!) I won't have any time for writing and will probably still be at a loss as to what day it is!

  18. I lose track of days when I have a week off work. Somehow the echo schedule at work helps me remember what day it is.

  19. My favorite time for writing is whenever I can! :) And late at night, it just feels more... magical. :)

  20. I don't know if I have a favorite day of the week. I wish I did, but they all just blur together. I have to write at night though. I need silence which means the kids have to be asleep.

  21. I also work from home and also have this problem. If anything even remotely changes in my routine, i get completely lost as to what day of the week it is.

  22. Back when I was working my last job I got to where the days didn't matter all that much because I was often working 7 days a week. I can't say that I have a particular favorite day or time since I can almost see a bad side and a good side to everything.

    Is product placement tacky?
    Tossing It Out
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  23. I love early mornings for writing. I think I like Fridays the best, even though I have to go work early Saturday morning.

  24. It's weekdays when my kids are at school. Days off school totally mess me up, and let's not even discuss summer! :)

  25. Early for editing, late for writing and Friday is my favourite day:)

  26. Monday mornings and Friday afternoons. There's just something magical about each.

  27. It is hard to keep track if you're not in a regular job. I work for myself but still have to know what day it is, lol. The weekends are my favourite, as mine goes from Thursday night until Monday lunchtime. This time is spent at the beach. The rest of the week I'm in the city working.


  28. Lol, great post. I'm always loosing track of the days (even though I work Mondays - Fridays). I've often been convinced it's a Friday only to find it was a Thursday to much disappointment.

    My favourite time of day though has to be the evening, when I can unwind, blog, read and watch TV :D

  29. I often stop and wonder what day it is. Glad I'm not the only one! When we lived in California I had to stop and think about what month it was, because with the mild weather it was hard to know whether it was spring, fall or winter. A peek into my distracted brain!

  30. My favorite time of day is after 9 PM. The house is asleep, and I can do whatever I want. My favorite day for writing in late, late Friday and Saturday nights. Sometimes I take my computer and curl up in bed to write. It's awesome.

  31. I'm with you. When I had a day job, it was obviously so much easier to keep track of days and times. I recently quit my job and now Wednesdays feel like Fridays and Mondays feel like Thursdays... the only difference is weekends, because the husband is home.

  32. Live for the Saturdays - the one day I get to sleep in!!

  33. My favorite day is Wednesday because I get to come in a bit later to school on Thursdays (because of contracts...I so won't bore you).

  34. I write early in the morning, and edit in the evening. Weekends are blessings.

  35. I long for lack of awareness you have! Maybe one day. For now either weekend day is my favourite, and sunset/twilight is the time I like the best. Not only is the world bathed in beautiful light at this time... I also seem to be very productive creatively.

  36. I'm an early bird, so 6am starts are awesome to get things done. As for days, nothing beats waking up on a Saturday morning and realising you dont have to goto work.

  37. I always look forward to the weekends. Even if we don't do anything special, it's just nice hanging out together. Julie

  38. I know what you mean, although I have certain days on which I go out. I usually love Wednesdays as that's when I try to go to the mall for my weekly coffee (okay maybe a cake too) at Costa - I get more writing done that way sometimes!

  39. Working from home does that- the days sometimes just mesh into one, its confusing at times and makes me feel a but senile! hah. Saying that I also enjoy looking out the window every morning and love the change that occurs on a weekend/weekday/holiday...

  40. Mine isn't so much a day, just a time. From 6:30-7:00am every day I LOVE the silence. It's the perfect time to push a thousand words on to paper.

    I don't know what I'd do if I worked from home. I already have trouble keeping track of the days!

  41. Hmm, I'd have to say Thursday. The first day of my writing week. Of course, my writing week is only two days long, so it's extra special! x

  42. Hahahaha I also sometimes get confused about what day it is. Luckily I have a calendar on my desktop.

    My favorite time is probably very early in the morning or very late at night, while everyone else in my house is sleeping. Unfortunately, they expect me not to be comatose in daylight, so I only rarely get to indulge in staying awake that long. :-/

  43. I'm off work Tuesday, Friday and Sunday, so I can easily keep track of the days. Those are my productive writing days. However, lately Sunday has been taken up doing more ... Sunday-ish stuff. :)

  44. I love to have a calender in each room :-)

  45. I like writing in the afternoon or late morning; I don't think I really have a favorite day of the week. :P

  46. My favorite day of the week is currently Wed. because I have the least amount of things I have to do for my kids and stuff. No soccer. No swimming. Just lots of time to do what I want. Okay, I do still have two kids to take care of, but still. More down time. More time to write. :)

  47. I'm definitely a morning writer. By afternoon there's too much going on. But my favorite time of the day is the evening when I can relax. Favorite day . . . Friday. I meet with my writers group on Friday morning. They recharge my writing battery. :)

  48. I prefer to write in the morning too, because it's the one time of day where I feel more alert and awake. If I put off writing until nighttime, I usually feel too tired; then it's that much easier for me to put off writing for another day so that I can go to sleep.

  49. Hi Talli - today - Fridays .. the day I get to be at home and not need to visit my Mama .. unless necessity creeps in ... I'm fortunate I live sans traffic .. the only bug is the seagulls when they get over excited - otherwise peace and quiet! Happy Friday, Saturday or Sunday or even Wednesday .. enjoy the weekend .. cheers Hilary

  50. Hi Talli .. you mentioned you loved Carol Ann Duffy and her poetry - so here's the poem "Valentine" courtesy of the Times iF Poems App ...


    Not a red rose or a satin heart.
    I give you an onion
    It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
    It promises light
    like the careful undressing of love.

    It will blind you with tears
    like a lover.
    It will make your reflection
    a wobbling photo of grief.

    I am trying to be truthful.

    Not a cute card or a kissogram.

    I give you an onion.
    Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,
    possessive and faithful
    as we are,
    for as long as we are.

    Take it.
    Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring,
    if you like.

    Its scent will cling to your fingers,
    cling to your knife.

    Hope you enjoy it .. cheers Hilary

  51. I don't have a favorite day of the week. My favorite time to write is when I am the only one at home. I enjoy the quiet because there are no distractions. Just me, a cup of tea, paper, pen, and my thoughts.

  52. Every day of the week is a holiday for me, lucky me, has to be some advantages to growing older.

  53. Not really a favourite day, but for me, the favourite time would be around eleven or twelve at night. I can unwind from the day, nothing left to do (unless I'm still out, of course!). I like the quiet that time of day.


Coffee and wine for all!