Friday, October 22, 2010

Excuse Me, Is that My Brain You've Got There?

Have you seen my brain? This week, it seems to have taken up residence elsewhere.

I've had my head down for the past few weeks, furiously working on final edits for The Hating Game. When your head is buried in your MS, everything else seems to go a bit... fuzzy. At least, that's my excuse for:

1. Turning up to an event on the wrong night -- or thinking it was anyway. I got there, had a glass of wine, and waited as no-one else turned up. So, wondering if it was cancelled, I actually checked the date on Facebook. Oh, I have the wrong night! Finishing my wine in the excellent company of my Twitter pals, I headed back out into the night, onto the Central Line, and back to my flat. But wait! I didn't have the wrong night after all (God knows what I was checking on Facebook)! The group was upstairs, while I was drinking alone downstairs. Sigh.

2. Putting a letter in the post without any stamp. Who knows if it actually got to its recipient -- I never received it back again!

3. Having to get my passport photos retaken three times, because I can't read a simple set of instructions. Ugh. Fifteen pounds and fifteen truly hideous photos later, they're finally done.

4. Losing a knife out the window of my flat into my neighbour's garden down below, because I was momentarily distracted by the burning of my toast.

And on top of that...

5. Having a water pipe burst behind our washing machine, flooding our neighbours below. Nothing to do with me and my errant brain, but the perfect icing on the cake!

TGIF, I say! I'm having a mojito -- or five. What about you?


  1. Oh my gosh Talli, that is rough!!! I felt bad from the first one and then one right after the other you seemed to top yourself!!!!! Yikes!!!

    You know what that means?? Next week shouldn't be so awful!!!!

  2. BTW - How awesome that I was your first commentor! That like NEVER happens!

  3. okay so the first happened to me when I was pregnant I stood in -15 degrees farenheit and snow waiting for the bus but I was 25 minutes early I swear I looked at the time.
    Hang in there and maybe get a preggy test :)

  4. I know I shouldn't be laughing here but really, I can so relate.

  5. does one lose a knife?!

  6. You're definitely having one of "those" weeks, oy! Don't feel too bad, though. I'm stripping wallpaper, spackling and sanding walls. Good times.

  7. I have to admit, Talli, I do those sorts of things all the time. Now I know the reason: brain absence! Joking aside, I'm sorry that life has been so hectic.

  8. Oh man, those aren't really good starts, but you can use them in your writing...LOL I hope you have a better weekend.

  9. Hilarious. It's funny how we multitask and juggle so many things that we sometimes lose our groove.

  10. Things like that happen to me, too. In clumps. What is it? Excellent reasons for mojitos, too!

  11. Ooh! That's a rough week - lets just say things can only get better :D

  12. He he! I have SO been there. I think we all have.

    A fried, sleepless brain is a dangerous, ridiculous thing.

    (thank goodness no one was standing under the window when the knife dropped!)

    Have a wonderful, coherent weekend!

  13. Just a thought- these are some great episodes to weave into your wip.

  14. Yikes, Talli! What a week! It can only get better, right?

    I can definitely relate to #1. I pulled my daughter out of school this morning for a doctor's appt, showed up at the office only to find out the appt. is NEXT week!

  15. Oh, I've had those kind of weeks before!

  16. It does sound like you have had a bad week! I hope you take the weekend off, away from work and the computer and have some fresh air and a change of scene, you need it.

  17. The same sort of things happen to me when I take on too many things at once. I'm with you on the mojitos! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

  18. Seriously, can it get worse? Here's hoping for an excellent weekend :)

  19. All - thanks for the commiserations! I'd like to point out that I'm not preggo (thanks, Joanna! :) ) -- if only I had something so tangible to blame it on!

    And how did my knife manage to get itself through the window? I really have no idea. I turned to stop the toast from catching on fire (it was smoking), hit the side of our dish draining things (full of dishes) and somehow the knife managed to fly out the window, bounce off the ledge, and land in the courtyard below!

    My, these mojitos are good. *slurp*

  20. LOL, the knife out the window!

    Maybe check your neighbor's garden for said brain? I was totally brain-dead last week, so I understand completely!

    Hope you have a minty-limey-rummy weekend! ;)

  21. Ha! Your neighbors must have done something really awful to you in order for you to attempt to hurt someone with a random knife dropping and now flooding their apartment!

    I am sure everyone has had that kind of a week! I am actually about due myself...

  22. What a week. I did smile at the lonely sad image you portrayed, drinking alone. ;0

    You only have to read my FBK status, to know how my life is at the moment. Is it wineo'clock yet? LOL

  23. Talli, poor thing! I feel your pain. Skip the chocolate and head for a bottle of wine. You can't go wrong with that. Though, why not have both.

  24. I know, my poor downstairs neighbours! :)

    I have moved from mojito to wine. All seems better right now!

  25. Gah, I hope your week gets better! Good luck with the edits as well, it DOES make you go a little crazy.

    With regards to #3, PASSPORT PHOTO MACHINES ARE AWFUL. They say you can't smile so you just end up looking really shifty!

  26. You poor thing, it sounds like you've had a really rough week! Thank goodness it's over!

  27. You sound like me this week! I put the milk int he cupboard and threw the toilet paper holder in the trash while trying to place the empty roll back on:/

  28. oh, yuck! I recently had a pipe burst--major sympathies from this way~

    But I do the same thing when working on MS. It's hard to live two lives... or more! :D

  29. Good thing you didn't impale a bird or cat with that knife.
    And if you find your brain, see if mine is nearby.

  30. Oh no, sounds like one of those weeks! Here is to hoping next week is better.

    Oh, I once was getting my breakfast and put a banana on the side. When I turned around it was gone. I thought I was going mad, until my dad started chuckling. He thought it was funny to put it back in the fruitbowl on his way past. lol.

  31. I did find your brain and we are having lunch together! I'll send it back after we're done. BTW--it's fascinating!

  32. Wow, that sucks!

    What's sad is that it sounds like something I'd do.

    Oh, you know what I did last week? I had my contracts and addendum for my book all signed and because I live in Mexico, I decide I'll courier it to make sure it gets to the States (because the mail system here is hit-and-miss).

    So, I go to DHL and fill out the waybill and place the contracts inside and send it off only to read the fine print: WE DON'T DELIVER TO PO BOXES! (What I'm sending it to.)

    I feel sorry for the publishers who had to go pick up the contracts.


    Hope next week is better.


  33. Well, let's hope the bad karma flew out the window with that knife. Any excuse for a mojito is a good one for me!

  34. Yikes, you've had a strange few days. Are the neighbours still talking to you?

  35. You are enduring a string of bad events. I hope something truly great happens soon to break the "spell" and get you back into a "happy" area.

  36. I've said before that I've lost my mind and then been told that wasn't possible because I didn't have one to start with. LOL Have a glass of wine and enjoy the weekend. On second thought, have another glass for me too. :)

    Thoughts in Progress

  37. Oh you poor thing! Look at it this way, next week has to be better!

  38. Yikes! I hope your weekend is amazing to help make up for it :)

  39. Wowza, when it rains it pours (not a joke about the water pipe, I swear). On the plus side, that seems to have the back luck sorted for the rest of the year. You can have an incident free Christmas now :)

  40. Talli, you poor thing! It seems you've got a great sense of humor about it though. Next will be better, I'm sure. :)

  41. Oops, forgot the 'week'. Next 'week' will be better. TeeHee.

  42. Oh Talli!!! Oh no!!

    I say it's now all in the past!! Why dwell on it???

    Ok maybe the burst water pipe is still ongoing but hey!!! It's Friday and you have a book out soon!! Yay!! :-)

    Take care

  43. Sorry you've had such an icky week...the good news is (drum roll) The Hating Game comes out soon. :)

    I'm glad no one got injured in the knife dropping incident...

    Take care, Talli!

  44. Sounds like a page out of my life. Sorry about the burst pipe. What a mess. Oh well, there is always tomorrow!!!

  45. A rough week for sure, but probably well worth it to get those final edits done and to get that much closer to The Hating Game's publication!

  46. 15 pounds up or down? Let's pretend they were down?

    If it makes you feel any better, on Wednesday I had the worst day. I went to a meeting at the new school where I work, where three girls from my horror class had this big bullying incident and I was scared to have them the next day. Then nobody helped me during the teacher meeting for some project and I felt like the odd man out. I raced home to pick up my daughter to take her to ballet. When I returned home, a three-block radius had no parking for street work. I drove for 15 minutes to find a space. Later, I went to put a cup in the cabinet, I knocked over the block of knives. Luckily, my children and I still have all our appendages. After I tucked them in, I felt like I deserved a big glass of wine. The cork seemed fragile. And it was because only 1/2 came out. I tried to use a knife to push the rest in, but it spurted on my shirt, the counter, and the floor.

    I strained the bottle and drank a glass anyway.

    Yeah, Wednesday was awesome.

    But now it's Friday. Cheers!

    Here's to finding our brains (or in my case, sanity) next week.

  47. I may come back to pull this for a future blog post.

  48. Lot's going on there! I'm sure it's gonna turn around for you.
    When you said your "water pipe" burst, at first I thought you meant your "water pipe" (wink wink) burst...
    Now that would have been a disaster! LOL...

  49. We've all goofed on occasions. I remember waiting for my sister to catch a train together at the statue outside Charing Cross station. I got all worked up, worried she was so late, kept checking my watch..... only to find she was doing exactly the same on the other side of the statue. At least we now all have mobile phones so that won't happen again! Hope your luck gets better soon.

  50. Hi Talli .. when it's happening - it happens! & doesn't it just .. sounds like a typical string of events - the fun, the ridiculous, the 'stupid' and just to top it off the one you don't want ..

    Have a good weekend .. and recover your wits .. they're there somewhere!! Hilary

  51. Oh, no! And they say things come in threes. You've had five things go wrong. Let's hope that is the last of it.

  52. Final edits? And you still blogged? You are a trouper!! And you made me laugh. :)

  53. Hugs, Talli, hope you get your brain back soon!

    I turned up to a poetry reading in London a few months back where I was the headline act. Nobody anywhere in sight. I asked the venue owner and was told, 'That's next week'. Groan. I'd travelled by train all the way from deepest Warwickshire too! (A three hour round trip, basically.)

    So I got home and found an email waiting for me from the organiser, who was admittedly a temporary replacement for the usual woman, sent only that afternoon, saying, 'Oops, got the date wrong. It's on next week, not this one.'


  54. Talli,
    Curious minds want to know -- did you ever find your knife?

    That's really sad about the pipes bursting. I hope it's fixed pronto.

    Yeah, we all have weeks that can be a little like that. But I always figure they make good writing material!

  55. These didn't all happen in the same week did they!?
    I think I'd still be on the wine if they did!

    And you must be a highly flamboyant butter spreader to!

  56. I can relate to things like that, and feel like asking myself that same question sometimes!

  57. I've definitely had one of 'those' weeks! (Though I'm a little confused about the knife thing! lol) Hope you're enjoying your weekend and I'm sure next week will be better! :)

  58. Yes, you've definitely had an off week. But, like writers usually say, write what you know. And those experiences may just be good for your next novels!

  59. Enjoy those mojitos. My wife used to drink them when she lived in Miami. Sometimes these kind of days just seem to escalate as the day goes on. Maybe its better to go out and have those drinks.

    Stephen Tremp

  60. Rough week, that! Though you really can't blame yourself for the burst water pipe. That's a nightmare, though, hate those.

    On the plus side, NO ONE takes good passport/visa photos and mine are especially ludicrous, so you're in good company!

  61. Oh my goodness Talli, I'm so sorry it was such a rough week! :(

    I can totally relate - I have crazy episodes all the time.

    Enjoy that mojito, you deserve it! :)

  62. if weird things didn't happen every now and then - what would we have to write about?

  63. I let my brain wander all the time ... If it doesn't come back, it was never mine in the first place.

  64. Oh my goodness...I think you need to lock yourself away for a while until the wind changes or something. I've had crazy things like that happen too. The brain just shuts down. It does pass...eventually.

  65. You poor chook! Hope things pick up soon. Don't s'pose the ole brain rolled under the bed or got put out in the wash - might explain the washing machine issues. Just a thought ;D

  66. omg talli!!

    heheee is it really horrible that i found this adorable?

    you are too cute.

    big hugs, and best of luck with the book!!

  67. Sounds like your week was about as much fun as mine. Here's to this one being better!

  68. Oi! I hope you find it! I certainly don't have it... I wonder if they make brain leashes, so if they go out, they don't get so far as to get lost permanently... or taken in by the brain catcher so you have to pay a fee to get it back... does it have a microchip? That might help.

  69. Usually it's my writing that gets neglected when my brain is missing! So I don't know if I'd complain about messing up your other schedules. :)

    Thanks for coming by and following my blog, SouthernCityMysteries! Looking forward to browsing your posts.



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