Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Blood Faerie Launch Day!

Woo! It's Wednesday, and it's launch day for Blood Faerie, a fab new book by India Drummond -- the best writer pal a gal could ever hope for. India and I met through our blogs a few years ago and since then we've both experienced the highs and lows of the writing life. I'm thrilled to support her latest release, not only because she's been so supportive of me, but also because it's a bloody fantastic read. And I'm not even into faeries!

Here's my review:

I started reading India Drummond's 'Blood Faerie' on a noisy plane, but within seconds I was drawn into the world of Eilidh and the mystery surrounding the strange murders in a small Scottish town. A faerie who has been cast out for using forbidden magic, Eilidh watches humans from a distance. But when the murders continue and she might have the powers to stop them, she can't help but get involved. Drummond skilfully intertwines human and faerie worlds, drawing the reader easily into both the delights and horrors each entails. Quite often in books such as these, I feel bogged down by all the rules and rituals of the world the author has created. I never felt that way here -- every detail unfolds in such a natural way I could almost believe faeries do exist! If you're looking for a compelling, well written mystery with a touch of romance, I highly recommend this book. Having read Drummond's debut novel 'Ordinary Angels' as well as this one, I can't wait to see what's next!

So, to get your copy of Blood Faerie, go to: Amazon USA, Amazon UK, and Amazon DE (Germany). And you can read and post reviews on Goodreads, Shelfari, and Library Thing.

And if you have a chance pop over to India's and say hi!


  1. Great review...and thank you...I will pop over.

  2. Thanks! I will head over now :o) I'm not into faeries and stuff. You think I'd like it? I'd sure love to support her!

  3. Yay for India!!!! Go India!! Woo-hooo!! Take care

  4. Wow,

    This sound like a very interesting premise. There's a cool twist with the intertwining worlds.

    Congrats to India!

  5. Great review and sounds like a fantastic book. Stopping in to say Blogger has finally released the Tiki Hut from it's grip and we're open again and enjoying the sea breeze :)

  6. A fab review Tallie and the book sounds exciting. Congrats India and sell millions...good luck! x

  7. Holy moly, didn't India just release Ordinary Angels in April?? She's one prolific writer! Congrats, India!!

  8. Congrats to India and a great review! I have her books on my to-buy-and-read list. They both look great.

  9. Great review - another on the to-read list!

  10. Ooh, I love India! And this sounds awesome. I may have to check it out.

  11. I love the sound of this (scoots to Amazon!)
    Wishing India the very best.

  12. Wow this book sounds like it's right up my alley...I love fantasy--and especially faeries. Thanks for the great review!


  13. Ohhhhh...this looks good and congrats to the writer!

  14. Ohhhh, I like this. I like faeries. Good luck to India...will pop over.

  15. I'm heading over to Amazon right now. The best of luck to India. Great review, Talli, Roland

  16. Excellent review! Thank you for the tip for future reading.

  17. Talli, nice review. I like the idea of a Faerie smoothly moving in to help. I know what you mean on bogs of rules and rituals.

    Sounds intriguing and I'll check it out.

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  18. Thank you for this, Talli! I've read India's Ordinary Angels...I'm sure this one is also awesome! :)

  19. Yay for India! It's really a fab book - a great read!

  20. I love faeries. So this is something to consider. Is this an ebook or does it come in print form too?

  21. Sounds intriguing. I forgot that it was launching today. Thanks for the info and reminder!

  22. An exciting day for India ... Best wishes on her book release :)

  23. Wow, that's so cool! Mega congrats to India, it sounds super interesting! :)

  24. Sounds interesting. And what a fab cover!

  25. Talli you are costing me a fortune!! Having bought your book, now this one too, as I do love a good, witch, vampire,demon, werewolf etc too

  26. I'm not that into faeries, either, but this one looks so fun!

  27. Siigh... I think faeries are one of those elements that will always have the power to pique my interest. Doesn't mean I will always LIKE them, but it'll always be enough to get me to check it out.

    This one sounds great, I'll definitely have to take a look! :)

  28. Great review! I hope the author has much success with her wonderful book!

  29. Congratulations to India. I also think it's great that you got entertained on your flight.

  30. Great review-sounds interesting.

    My first picture book is on Amazon.

  31. I'm not normally into faeries either, but this does sound like an interesting read!

  32. I love fairies! Sounds awesome!

  33. Thanks for posting such a great review. As Jessica says, I also would say I'm not into faeries but I know when I pick up a well written book, it really doesn't matter, I get drawn in the story.

    A;; the best to India!

  34. I really like the sound of this - I like faeries and I'm Scottish, living in Scotland... ned to check this out!

  35. This sounds good! Thanks for letting me know about it - it sounds a great read (and a perfect gift for a friend of mine too!)

  36. Great review, it looks like my sort of book :-)

  37. The story does sound like a fascinating one. Definitely will add this one to the ever growing TBR list.

  38. Wonderful review my dear Talli and sending you warm hugs and kisses xx

    Wild Rose~


Coffee and wine for all!