Friday, November 11, 2011

String Bridge Chart Rush!

Happy Friday, all! A big thanks to everyone for the lovely congrats on Wednesday's post, and an equally big thanks to everyone who has purchased a copy of Build A Man, ahead of its December launch. Yay!  Yesterday, I was over on writer Rebecca Emin's blog. Pop over and comment for a chance to win a copy of Build A Man.

But enough about me!

Today is THE day to help Jessica Bell's debut, STRING BRIDGE, hit the bestseller list on Amazon, and receive the all-original soundtrackMelody Hill: On the Other Sidewritten and performed by the author herself, for free!

All you have to do is purchase the book today (paperback, or eBook), November 11th, and then email the receipt to:


She will then email you a link to download the album at no extra cost!

To purchase the paperback:

To purchase the eBook:

To listen to samples of the soundtrack, visit iTunes.

If you are not familiar with String Bridge, check out the book trailer:

I've read Jess's book, and it's a very powerful novel. I started in the morning, and I couldn't put it down until I'd finished. 'String Bridge' follows the story of Melody, a frustrated wife and mother who somehow finds herself miles away from the person she used to be -- and from the person she wants to become. Author Jessica Bell paints a claustrophobic vision of life where domesticity becomes a ever-diminishing prison cell. With gripping prose and terse dialogue, 'String Bridge' is a powerful debut novel from a very talented writer.

More Rave Reviews for String Bridge:

Jessica Bell’s STRING BRIDGE strummed the fret of my veins, thrummed my blood into a mad rush, played me taut until the final page, yet with echoes still reverberating. A rhythmic debut with metrical tones of heavied dark, fleeting prisms of light, and finally, a burst of joy—just as with any good song, my hopeful heartbeat kept tempo with Bell’s narrative.~ Kathryn Magendie, author of Sweetie and Publishing Editor of Rose & Thorn Journal

“Poet and musician Jessica Bell's debut novel String Bridge is a rich exploration of desire, guilt, and the difficult balancing act of the modern woman. The writing is lyrical throughout, seamlessly integrating setting, character and plot in a musical structure that allows the reader to identify with Melody's growing insecurity as her world begins to unravel … String Bridge is a powerful debut from a promising writer, full of music, metaphor, and just a hint of magic.” ~ Magdalena Ball, author of Repulsion Thrust and Sleep Before Evening

Jessica Bell is a brilliant writer of great skill and depth. She doesn't pull back from the difficult scenes, from conflict, pain, intensity. She puts it all out there, no holds barred, no holding back. She knows how to craft a scene, how to develop character, how to create suspense. This is an absolutely brilliant debut novel. I look forward to reading her next novel, and next and next.” ~ Karen Jones Gowen, author of Farm Girl, Uncut Diamonds and House of Diamonds

Please TWEET and/or FACEBOOK this post using #StringBridge. Have a great weekend, everyone. 


  1. Thank you so much for posting today, Talli! I really appreciate it :o)

  2. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on this book. I only wish it could be today.

  3. Hooray for Jessica and String Bridge - it sounds like a very powerful book!

  4. Can't resist an offer like this! Great post, Talli!

  5. I hope she does really well today!

  6. I also think my adult daughter would love this!

  7. Yay for Jessica - hope the book does indeed rush to the top! :)

  8. Looks great, Talli. Have a good weekend :)

  9. I hope Jessica tops the Charts today!

  10. I keep hearing about this! I think I will have to see what everyone is talking about :)

  11. It seems a little silly to go around commenting on all these posts, but so what! You and Jess are both awesome, so I'm just stopping by to say hi.

    Hi Talli.

  12. How totally cool to get the album!! Best wishes to Jessica!

  13. As I have written on other sites. I wish Jessica all the success with her book....wel deserved.


  14. Yay for Jessica! I wish her the very best with her book. It's a really powerful story. One that most of us can relate to.

  15. So happy for Jess and all of this support is just awe inspiring!

  16. Been there (at 3:45 this AM)...done that, and I'm listening to Jessica's soundtrack right now (and its really good...not shitting you!). All that's left is to wait on the mailman! :)

  17. Best wishes to Jessica! She is very talented person.
    Have a good weekend, Talli!

  18. wow, Jessica is all over the blogosphere today! Congrats. :) Great trailer and song, too.

  19. String Bridge is out? Oh how lovely! Good luck, Jessica!

  20. Go Jessica go!
    And you remember what this is like, don't you Talli?

  21. Talli, are you get deja vu from this blog book tour? LOL. Great of you to do this for Jessica. I bought her book yesterday. C'mon, guys, let's support a fellow blogger, Roland

  22. Yay for Jessica, and best of luck to her with her release!

  23. Love the trailer and the artist singing.

    I'm going to have to check out the book!


    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  24. Wait, Build A Man is available?? How did I miss this? Scrambles to Amazon!

  25. I must get around to reading this book . . .

    Congrats to Jessica! :)

  26. Ahh I've heard so many great things about String Bridge and Jessica today! Love how supportive and helpful the blogosphere is. :)


    The Red Angel Blog

  27. sounds like a great read and great music. Such talent!!!

  28. Three cheers for Jessica! I wish her loads of success with String Bridges...It's full of emotion and great writing.

  29. Congratulations to Jessica! I've seen and read about String Bridge around everywhere today and I want to read it!

  30. What a lovely review for Jessica's String Bridge! Thanks for posting this, Talli.

    I want to read String Bridge now!


Coffee and wine for all!