Monday, December 05, 2011

A Room with a View

Hope everyone had a good weekend! You'll be pleased to know I had a fantastic time in Bloomsbury, tooling about the streets and pubs (and managing to land flat on my face in front of the Holborn Tube, but that's another story).

So, it's another week, and the launch of Build A Man is coming up on Wednesday! Yay! Drop by to vote in an interactive poll to design the perfect man. And if you're a man, well . . . you can still play along. :)

As I mentioned before, my office looks out onto a very busy street where there are always plenty of buses, vans and cars passing. In a reprise of a post last summer, I thought I'd give you a taste of some of the adverts and slogans passing by.

Here we go!

(Oh God, there appears to be a big traffic jam at the moment.)

Help Me Escape . . . Mercedes Benz. On the side of a double-decker bus. These ads seem to be on almost every bus! If I wanted to escape, I wouldn't be buying a Mercedes Benz, I tell you that much.

Gorgeous Hire (Tables, Linens, Glasses). On a white van. It is the Christmas season, isn't it? I've seen party hire vans everywhere lately.

Rentokil, the Experts in Pest Control. I love how they haven't put two l's in 'kil' to try to make it look nice. It's pretty obvious what the purpose is . . . especially when half the van is painted blood red.

Horrible Bosses, Rent and watch on YouTube. On the side of a double-decker. Who knew you could rent and watch movies on YouTube? I certainly didn't.

Big Bus Tour: Sightseeing Tour of London. On an open-top tour bus. Yes, I live right on a bus tour route. It certainly makes for interesting times when you're sitting on the balcony having a drink with people snapping your photo. The one time I can be a star!

A Load of Rubbish. Ha - on the side of a rubbish truck that looks like it's over-full! Love this one. A load of rubbish, indeed.

And another traffic jam. I think I'll stop there for today. But tell me, what should I do to entertain the bus tourists now caught up in the jam outside? Throw them copies of my books? Flash them? 

Oh, before I forget, Laura over at Daily Dodo is running a Secret Santa! Head over to join in the fun.


  1. Rentokil - no matter how thin you slice it, it's all about hitmen for hire!
    I'll slip in a mention for you Wednesday during the IWSG post!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend, and I hope you're none the worse for your fall (sounds like the sort of thing I'd do…). Really looking forward to having you on my blog on Wednesday - woo hoo!

  3. I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend! Hope your week is just as good.

  4. I think you should market to everyone on the tour bus and make your own banner for the balcony: "Bestselling author Talli Roland lives here - check out her books!" complete with pics of them.

  5. I love reading the slogans on the sides of vans. Load of rubbish is my favourite from this collection. I think you should open your window and wave to them. Tell them the link to your blog and then take their photographs and promise they'll see themselves online... unless they buy one of your books.

  6. Flashing in this weather!??!?! Brave woman!!! :-)

    Take care

  7. Definitely a banner, or a life-size picture of you dressed as Marilyn surrounded by your book jackets!

  8. You've got lots of inspiration right outside your window. I'd sit there with a notebook and jot down character traits and ideas from the open-top tour bus passengers!

  9. Glad you had a great weekend! And congrats on build a man coming out!

  10. I like reading the slogans on cars and vans when you are stuck in traffic-It helps to pass the time away!
    Hope you have a wonderful day and week.

  11. Pleased your week-end; was good. hope your week is equally as good.


  12. Pleased your week-end; was good. hope your week is equally as good.


  13. I agree with Alex about Rentokil...

    As for what you can do when the tourists pass by...As a kid my best friend and I would stand on a corner and as the tour buses went by we'd start yelling and pointing, "Step right up folks, real live tourist, get your real live tourist right here, FREE. Come and get your own personal real live tourist FREE while they last!" Or something along those lines.

    Maybe you could do something similar?

  14. Ouch! Hope you're OK? Cute post.

  15. Dress up as Marilyn Monroe and as someone else suggested, have your pics posted on balcony railings!

  16. Hope you're feeling better soonest! And, hmmm, a little sign would be rather fun.

  17. Don't miss the opportunity, Talli! Run down there and hand each one a book mark right now.

  18. Rentokil cracks me up. Blood red? don't tell me, the front is like white or something and the mid to end looks like blood sliding off the backend?

    Glad your week end was good. Mine was filled with lots of projects that needed doing.

    Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

  19. Sounds like a lot to watch. And you should have a copy of one of your books ready for when people are taking photos! Hold it high, haha : )

  20. I would do both those attention-getting devices. If I were there I would help you.

  21. I'm not sure flashing would be a good about an advert of your own...for your books. Free marketing.

    The perfect man needs a sense of humor. If he doesn't have that he is less than perfect : )

  22. You should definitely throw the tourists a copy of your book! That would be quite the marketing campaign. :)

  23. Those are funny. Better than the adverts on the side of American trucks. Booooring.

  24. When I saw the name Gorgeous Hire, I wasn't thinking table linens...I'll say that much :)

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  25. Hi Talli .. I'd sit there with a megaphone reading my book, pulling the blind down with the book details on it .. they do it on cars .. why not windows .... you never know - and having it read out loud you may get some buyers at your door ..

    Glad Bloomsbury was good and you're obviously not hurt - though perhaps the Tube station is the worse for wear???? cheers - good luck for Wednesday .. Hilary

  26. Ouch, it's no fun when you trip up! I'm always tripping over nothing at all, so embarrassing.

  27. A clever twist to a post. What kind of ads do you see looking out the window. Very enjoyable. And I love to hear Brits use the word rubbish. Simon Cowell does it so well hahaha.

  28. Thanks for the shout out, Talli!
    You're a love

  29. I'm glad that you didn't get hurt! I like Rosemary's idea for getting you front and center on that bus! Though you may have to tone it down a little, so as not to cause traffic accidents! Julie

  30. A large advert for your books as a banner on your house maybe.:)

  31. Sounds like you had an exciting weekend! Hire one of those old school airplanes to fly a banner with your name and book title. Will certainly catch anyone's attention!

  32. Ah, the RentoKil, if you hadn't said what it was for, I wouldn't have got it. Adverts are fun!

  33. Perhaps a combination of flashing them and throwing them copies of your books... Wait, kidding! LOL! Love those slogans. Never a dull moment with that view I imagine.

  34. Of course you should throw them copies of your books! They will be thrilled to get a gift from the famous author Talli Roland! :) If I were one of them, I would be happy about it!

  35. I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend!

  36. But BUILD A MAN's already out, isn't it? I know this because I bought it this weekend - at least I THINK I did, now I'm confused! - and I'm so chomping at the bit to get to it! :-)

  37. Haha, I'm jealous that your window faces such an exciting street. Your launch is on my birthday! I'll be sending you some birthday luck from here :)

  38. I'm glad to hear you had a good time over the weekend! :)

    How about putting a huge flyer in the window of your book cover?

  39. What great distractions! Today I saw people walking dogs. Squirrels. Neighborhood cars. A plumber's truck. And school buses. Yawn.

  40. Stopping by and waving at you *big ole wave from the smoky mountains of north carolina!* :-D

  41. I`m glad you had a good weekend. Nothing is so refreshing to the mind and body as two days spent entirely on fun :)

  42. Maybe not throw them the books but put up a big advert of the book cover for Build-A-Man. It's sure to get some snaps and snag some interest :-)

  43. I particularly love 'A Load of Rubbish' :o) Have a great week!

  44. I love Load of Rubbish - we don't get that sort of thing in Cornwall! Well not on the side of buses.... but I was in London last week albeit briefly...

  45. I remember this post from earlier in the year. I also remember telling you that the most exciting thing out my window was a coyote. Seriously. A coyote. :)

  46. Life sounds very interesting outside your office window!!! The red van thing is a little spine chilling.

  47. Sure are some interesting slogans over the pond. Hope you found some way to entertain the masses. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  48. haha! I love the idea of you flashing them. But honestly, all buses will stop to see you in that Marilyn costume again. Just saying:)

  49. I loved getting this peek into your world! Hmm...blood red van and Rentokil? Sounds scary!

  50. The release is almost here. how exciting.

  51. Sounds like you've got some very interesting scenery at your house! I love the Rentokil leaving off the second "L" - that'll fool 'em!

  52. Traffic jams stink!

    Love the rubbish advert :)

  53. Rentokil, wiping out pests, vermin, and eyewitnesses for you since 1956.


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