Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The Dreaded Drill

I've blogged a few times about my hate for the dreaded non-stop drilling that resonates around my neighbourhood by day.

Living in an area populated by aging Victorian terraces, I guess it's inevitable. But when you work from home and your ear-drums are constantly assaulted by that whiny errrr-errrrr-eeeerrrrrmm of the drill, it's enough to drive one to drink (more).

So I ask you: should I...

A) Flash the builders into silence?
B) March over, demand all drills, then throw them in the bin?
C) Run away from my flat, screaming, to the nearest Starbucks?
D) Purchase a schmexy pair of earplugs and try to ignore the constant cacophony?

Bloggers of the world, I beseech you: help me deal with the drill!

(In non-drilling news: India Drummond's Ordinary Angels is available on Amazon here!)


  1. Assuming that moving isn't an option then I would strongly advise that you don't do A or B. Both of these could have you writing in the comparative quiet of the local jail but the alcohol consumption would be seriously affected. Starbucks is questionable so it's got to be the earplugs. How about putting some creative type music on your ipod and turning up the volume (as long as you don't mind going deaf in old age) or drive to the countryside and sit in the middle of a field!

  2. Or D) turn your hand to writing a best-selling murder mystery based on research around a disappearing driller or three...

  3. Earplugs and ipod (set to loud).

  4. I'd head to Starbucks - but that might not because of the noise ;)

    I feel for you.

  5. I've seen noise reduction headphones. They are clunky but they are supposed to block out all sound. Or how about heading to the local library?

  6. A and C, at the same time. :)

  7. Oh, dear. Since I'm one who likes to avoid confrontation, I vote for the earplugs. Thanks for sharing your 'D' post. Happy Tuesday! :o)

  8. Why all the drilling? Apparently I have not read your past posts on it. I suppose you could sneak around surreptitiously and unplug them. Or spend a lot of money on those Bose headphones. But...earplugs would probably help.

  9. I think I'd try the earplugs first - then the flashing!

  10. I love #1. Do that with camera running. Put the video on YT. Instant sensation and it will out number that gal by name of Black and the Beiber and the little twin boys.
    Happy D-Day

  11. I vote A and then C or maybe bribe the builders with STarbucks if they stop?


  12. I agree with what Sharon L. said. Channel that anger into something creative. A modern literary version of Jack the Ripper terrifies London once again: Dick the Driller.

  13. You can get one of those earplugs tinnitus sufferers use. Instead of camouflaging (I seem to be using this word quite often this week) noise from inside your head, you'll be masking the drill noise.

    Life on The Farm

  14. I was tempted to say grab said drills and shove them up there.... But I think a mixture of of C and D is the only legal answer!

    Ellie Garratt

  15. E) walk up to builders, pick up drill and finish the job quicker, faster, better...go back to writing in peace. xx

  16. This is a tough one. Sounds like you're screwed.

  17. I have a better appreciation for this after last week. I'm blogging about it tomorrow. Think jackhammers.

  18. Flash the builders, flash the builders!! LOL!!

    Then run screaming to the nearest starbucks!!

    :-) Hey it's spring, why not?!?! Take care

  19. Go with A! Go with A!
    Then run screaming to nearest Starbucks.

  20. LOL! I ditto Alex!!! It's exactly what I was thinking! LOL!!!

  21. You could buy the workers some old 19th century hand crank drills. They would only be slightly quieter.

  22. Hmmm, flashing will work for a couple seconds, but then the builders will probably start whooping and catcalling. So definitely go with B. They'll probably thank you because then they can go home early, haha!

  23. Can you write with music? How about a pair of noise-blocking headphones? They're a little pricey, but if it saves you from a life of insanity, it'd probably be worth it. Plus, I bet they're cheaper than a fine for public exposure :)

    East for Green Eyes

  24. D. Having worked from home my whole adult life, I'm constantly amazed at just how LOUD neighborhoods can be and often wished for the quiet of a professional office with muted colors and soft musice playing just above the ON button. There's nothing else to do, as you know, because, well, uh, I mean... you know the drill...

    Come visit when you can...

  25. I say go with the Starbucks and earplugs :)

  26. I think you should go get yourself a Starbucks, then stop and get some earplugs. Come home, enjoy the Starbucks and a book!

  27. Yeah, starbucks is a good bet. And a good pair of earplugs. :) Or noise canceling headphones.

  28. Oh, man, CAN I RELATE... The people in the condo upstairs from me have been working on their condo for almost a year. Banging and drilling non-stop. And also A thirty story building is being built next to my building.

    Let me know if you get some good advise.

    I play music to try and soften the "blows." It often works.

  29. I can totally sympathize. You’d think they were rebuilding the place across the street with the noise and dust and trucks. I vote for running.

    So, here is something interesting. I know I was following you to but when I signed in it showed I wasn’t. This is disconcerting. This is now the 3rd or 4th time this has happened – not to this blog but with other people I’ve followed.

  30. If it's not one thing, it's another. I hate the sound of jackhammers blasting away at the streets.

  31. Sorry for the terrible noise problem you're dealing with, Talli. I'd choose C or D on your list. I think flashing the builders would only encourage more drilling ;)

  32. How about one of the horrible "white noise" machines? Or not.

  33. starbucks! starbucks! starbucks! starbucks! lol

  34. Get some earplugs and wine....

  35. I rather hear the noise of the domestic drill than the dentist drill.

    Loved the post.


  36. I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's over the weekend -- LOVE that film AND the novella, and have seen/read them over and over. Anyhoo, Audrey Hepburn has the most adorable ear plugs in that movie, with little tassels that hang from each. I think you should buy some of those! :))

  37. I vote C or D. Not A...the poor guys would probably end up drilling holes in themselves, which would be both noisy and bloody! ;)

  38. My vote's for the noise-cancelling + music-playing headphones. Because when the drilling does stop (it has to, sometime) then you will get to hear all the olvely dogs in your neighborhood that bark all day long.

  39. I would suggest heading out. Earplugs often do not block out the noises for me. Library is a nice idea.

  40. :(

    good grief. I feel for you--been there, done that.


  41. Hi Talli .. hop on a train to Eastbourne .. quiet as a mouse here! Sorry - but have another drink .. it's over the witching hour .. cheers Hilary

  42. i finished your book! loved it! i did a little review on my blog! xx

  43. I've been using earplugs, but nothing fancy. Just wax, or silicon. Wax have to be chucked after one use. Silicon plugs can be rinsed under the tap, and last a while.

  44. If you flash the drillers, they will drill happily! ;)
    I suggest earphones with music. Go where you want to go.

  45. I vote for the Bose headphones, or a quick trip to Starbucks.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. It is so great to meet all these new people (plus getting my blogging "muscles" back in shape!)

    Hope you figure out the drill noise issue. That would be maddening!

  46. When I visited the UK in January, I traveled with a friend and we stayed at her sister's house in London. There were workmen around the street every day doing renovation work.

    My friend has (expensive) pair of noise-canceling earphones and whenever we stayed inside, she wore them and was able to work in peace.

    Happily, I am able to ignore noise after a while.

  47. Nothing like a good flashing to make a construction worker's day! Or anyone, for that matter.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Schmexy earplugs.

    Or just turn up your music really, REALLY loud.

  50. D) or E)Turn up the volume of your favorite artist. Easier to tune out something we've heard before than annoyance. (Hugs)Indigo

  51. You have no idea! We are remodeling and I live with drills and saws almost 24-7, even now I am sitting in my crawl space with my headphones on listening to my music...playing now " All I wanna do is have some fun before I die" The headsets and music is how I cope, give it a try.

  52. As we have fields on most sides of our house, my usual noise is that of tractors. I have to say I'd rather have a tractor droning past than a drill, somehow their noise vibrates through the brain. Poor you!

  53. Buy up all the drills in the area, then chuck them all in a bin. No more drills, no more noise. Except for the heavy machinery they will bring in next.

  54. I would say B) or D). Or you could stage a mass protest with all current- and past-irritated people forced to listen to drills.

  55. I think you KNOW how I will answer this question, though I WILL point out that schmexy earplugs do not preclude flashing--so therefore I am going with A and D and if you are REALLY feeling spunky about it, going to Starbucks naked ought to make everybody shut up.

  56. I propose you do a combination of all options!

    Flash the builders into silence whilst demanding all the drills and the run away to the nearest starbucks wearing schmexy ear plugs.

    Do such earplugs even exist?

  57. D and grab a bottle of your favorite wine and go chill! I can imagine; I have a neighbor that mows his lawn, when there isn't anything to mow...augh!
    Or it is the damn leaf blower, always making some kind of noise. I am thinking about getting a drum set. I won't be able to hear their racket,anymore... ;-D

  58. A.. then C.. then while you're out.. D!

    Or come to my house. We can't even hear the sheep. Yay for double glazing!

  59. I'd go with headphones.

  60. hello there! I found you through the AtoZ challenge and really pleased to arrive at your blog. I have no magic or witty fixes for your drill dilemma but dodge the din and come down to the wonderful South Coast? Yes I am an English lady in England who lives in a Victorian house. I will be back to follow E onwards. Ronnie http://adailyjotting.wordpress.com

  61. I would do the one thing you didn't list. Open a bottle of wine. When I had finsihed the bottle of wine I would mull over the above choices and pick one. Then I would hope I did not remember my choice or my actions the next day!

  62. It's a man rule that I have to always encourage the exposing of breasts so that gets my vote. Even if I won't personally benefit from it, there has to be some karmic value.

  63. A! A! *laughs*

    Okay, maybe not. I would suggest the earplugs or a trip to Starbucks.

  64. Flash them.
    That is my preferred solution to all problems.

  65. Talli, I feel your pain...we lived in a development that was being, well developed! and it was truly a pain the you know what!
    I vote you invest in the ear-plugs or they'll be starting rumors you are the crazy lady out to steal drills!

  66. Oh my, I know exactly how you feel. Actually, when I was in high school I heard of a class that was taking an AP test WHILE there was construction being done to a classroom (or some place) nearby and there was a horrible amount of drilling going on.

    Aaaaanyway! If it were up to me I'd probably end up doing C, and then getting five pastries at Starbucks. However, I suggest you do the following in order (assuming each option before the last one is a failure): D, C, B, A

    Best of luck!



  67. I had two years of neighbours renovating and they seemed to know exactly when I was on a roll for writing because that's when they started up the drills and the angle grinders and anything else that made a lot of noise. I bought an ipod and listened to very loud music while I wrote (and sometimes walked up to the local coffee shop.)

  68. Is it Friday? If not take some lemon-ade and Tuna Sandwiches over, put on some ear plugs and offer to help until the finish. They want to speed up and get out of there than pay you union wages.

    Gregg Metcalf
    Colossians 1:28-29

    Gospel-driven Disciples

  69. I don't think if you flashed them, they would be quiet. I say...earplugs.

  70. Oh no's--so frustrating!!!!

  71. First, A, then D (they'll eventually regain their composure). If that doesn't work, write a really gruesome short detailing the untidy end met by the local handymen who'd constantly disturbed the beautiful and talented sorceress. Maybe that will help....?

  72. Starbucks ... and earplugs...
    hope it stops .. one day

  73. Well, I'd hold a bottle in one hand and a toy gun in the other and light some fire crackers, then I'd get the ear plugs. But I'm a southerner :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  74. Make it a tiny local cafe and that sounds like a good idea [g] They're not going outside designated work hours, are they? Then you could write letters of complaint!

  75. Move? :P

    That totally stinks, I can only imagine how annoying it is to hear that all the time.

  76. Go to the nearest Tim Hortons and relax with some coffee. Or you could flash them into silence. Can you work and listen to music? I do that to block out any sounds. Some people can't do that because they start to sing the songs.

  77. I say go to Starbucks. At least they'll have coffee, chocolate and pastries (are they selling those teeny cupcakes that are totally delicious in the UK too?) there, along with nice music that serves as a good writing soundtrack.

  78. I feel for you. My last place was like that. It was horrible. I'd go with C or D.

  79. earphones with music in them!
    starbucks is never a bad option though...

  80. Meh. I can only work in silence. I'd go with A and the Bose headset. (You can use them on a plane too...)

  81. wow! I admire the amount of comments you get! It's wonderful!
    I've never been in a situation like yours for too long, so I really cannot say. I hope it's over soon :) Good Luck!

  82. Put in earplugs and then flash them. (=

  83. C and D. But not in that order.

  84. How about headphones and inspiring music? :O)

  85. Get a bigger drill and embarrass them into stopping :P

  86. Argh, that would be sooooo annoying! I'm sending a pair of cyber-earplugs to ya, pronto. ;o)

  87. I vote for the earplugs. I use mine just to drown out any background noises when I am writing.


Coffee and wine for all!