Thursday, January 30, 2014

Non-Exciting News

Hello! It's Thursday! I remembered to post!

I wish I could say I had  loads of exciting things to update you on. I'm drinking wine... that's exciting, isn't it? Maybe that will help jog my memory of excitement. *takes big sip* Um, nope.

Well, I'm 10,000 words into my new novel. To be honest, I reckon I've written the world's most boring opening to any novel, but I'm of the opinion that the most important thing is sitting your arse in the chair and just writing. I am all for crappy first drafts, which is probably why I loathe the second draft so much... because I have to whip my rubbish into shape.

In other non-exciting news, we got Baby TR's photos back from his first birthday photo shoot. Luckily, despite him not being able to sit still for longer than a nano-second, we managed to get some good ones.

About to hop off the chair at ANY second...

And, er, well, that's all my wine-addled brain can dredge up for now! The life of a writer -- so glamorous, I know. Tune in next week when I'll be able to update you on the status of the mould growing on the kitchen sponge.

That's it from TR Towers. Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Baby TR is an adorable little man! Glad he sat long enough to capture some memories for posterity. :)

    1. Thanks, Karen. The shoot was a bit of a challenge, that's for sure. :)

  2. Haha, drinking wine is definitely exciting for me... where's that glass?

    I love the gorgeous picture of Baby RT, such a handsome chap!

    1. Drinking wine is a very exciting part of my day - some might argue the most exciting! :) Thanks, Debs!

  3. I bet he's a wiggler!
    A thousand is good, whether it's actually good or not.
    I'm at about twice that in my manuscript and I've hit that spot where it's all come together and gelling. Which of course means, there's a lot to fix in the beginning...

    1. I can't wait to hit that spot! (Er, that sounded vaguely sexual...) And he is indeed a wiggler!

  4. Too cute! Just you wait, the wiggling doesn't get any better as they get older! All my pictures are blurry :)

    1. Ahhhhh! No more wiggling! Not sure it can get any worse.

  5. He's so cute! My little man also had his first birthday recently - it's a lovely age isn't it? Good luck with your first draft x

  6. I do so love that little man! Precious lad:)

  7. Baby TR is adorable! His first birthday pics rate as an exciting update!

  8. Oh, boy, I think he's up to something!

  9. Baby TR's as cute as can be! Have a lovely weekend.

  10. Great pick and I'm all about the terrible first draft too. Just did a rough second and going to start the one I'll actually submit my editor on Monday.

  11. Hee hee, some weeks are just like that, aren't they? Nothing much to report! But 10K into your next novel is a good thing. :D

    Baby TR is so cute! <3

  12. There'd be something wrong if he weren't wriggling:-)

    Completely uninspired here - too much other stuff going on. Must force myself . . .

  13. Lovely photo as ever. Such a cutie!

    Good luck with the rest of the novel.

  14. Great photo of your little one, Tali, and don't worry 10,000 words in is no mean feat even if it is the first draft. I'm struggling to get beyond 52,500 at the mo, which is the most I've ever written!

  15. Your wee one year old is so cute, Talli - can't believe the time has gone so quickly (our first grandchild is now 20 months old)! Funnily enough, I prefer the redrafts as my problem is getting the first one finished.

  16. But I need to know about the sponge now! Te he!
    Your son's gorgeous, and he'll be off to school in no time at all and these blurry days will be the stuff of other novel openers!

  17. Baby TR is so cute!

  18. I remember well the special hell that is a photo shoot with kids. We always had 4 kids (2 of mine, 2 of my sisters) and it was generally not easy! So glad you have a great one though - he's a sweetie!

  19. I'd like to share a glass - wait, I mean bottle - of wine with you! As soon as I get some of my own editing done...
    Adorable photo!

  20. Oh yes! One thing about those junky first drafts is that it IS writing. Congrats! Keep it up. :) Baby TR is growing up but still adorable!

  21. Hi Talli - hope you had a great Valentine's Day weekend .. and baby TR is sure a bouncing bubbly little lad .. lovely photo and congratulations on the word count must be way up by now - cheers Hilary


Coffee and wine for all!