Thursday, January 30, 2014

Non-Exciting News

Hello! It's Thursday! I remembered to post!

I wish I could say I had  loads of exciting things to update you on. I'm drinking wine... that's exciting, isn't it? Maybe that will help jog my memory of excitement. *takes big sip* Um, nope.

Well, I'm 10,000 words into my new novel. To be honest, I reckon I've written the world's most boring opening to any novel, but I'm of the opinion that the most important thing is sitting your arse in the chair and just writing. I am all for crappy first drafts, which is probably why I loathe the second draft so much... because I have to whip my rubbish into shape.

In other non-exciting news, we got Baby TR's photos back from his first birthday photo shoot. Luckily, despite him not being able to sit still for longer than a nano-second, we managed to get some good ones.

About to hop off the chair at ANY second...

And, er, well, that's all my wine-addled brain can dredge up for now! The life of a writer -- so glamorous, I know. Tune in next week when I'll be able to update you on the status of the mould growing on the kitchen sponge.

That's it from TR Towers. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pan the Plan

You know, I'm just going to go with Thursday as my new posting day. Yeah, 'coz I don't seem able to remember I should be posting on Tuesday. So... happy Thursday!

The week has flown by in a blur of novel-planning. I use a handy-dandy software called Writers Cafe,  which is the software-equivalent of PostIt notes. It lets you use run story-lines in parallel, and you can shift the virtual PostIts notes if need be. I've used it to plan the last three or four of my novels (I'm losing track!), and I've found it a great starting point.

Increasingly, though, I'm wondering why I bother to plan. Once I start writing, I usually take a look at the note in front of me and think: nah. Still, you have to begin somewhere! I'm not a pantser and I don't feel comfortable not writing towards something, so even if I'm not going to use what I originally set out, I like the security of it. I know ideas morph and change as writing happens, and I guess I've grown comfortable with that.

I'm hoping to finish my outline this week and get writing next Monday! Oh, I can't wait, I can't wait.

What are you working on these days?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Diving Into January

Eek! Somehow, even after missing last week, I had it in my head that Thursday, not Tuesday, is my posting day. I'll blame it on the jetlag... or the full moon... or the wine...

Anyway, we made it back to London! The overnight flight was as exhausting as usual, and settling in a jetlagged baby really is no fun. However, it's good to be home.

And since returning, it's been all systems go. I've started planning my new novel, and I'm so enjoying getting back into a fresh project. All the potential, excitement, and fun -- until I hit 20,000 words and it seems to come crashing down in a pile of poo around me. Copy edits for The Pollyanna Plan are finished, and the book has a lovely new cover for its release on March 11.

Don't you just love that blue?

Earlier this week, I headed off to King's Cross for the book launch of my wonderful friend and Amazon Publishing pal, Mel Sherratt. I tell you, if you like crime and psychological suspense, you have to read her books! I was lucky enough to read Watching Over You at an early stage, and it made me super scared.

Me with our Amazon editor.
This weekend, we have a joint first birthday party with ten other babies for Baby TR and his pals. Heaven help me, is all I can say! I just may have to bring a bottle of wine.

Hope everyone is having a great January so far. Stay warm!