Monday, September 03, 2012


Happy Monday, everyone! And happy Labor Day to everyone in North America. This is Back to School Week in London, otherwise known as the Traffic is Hell Week. I shall sit tight in my little office watching the packed street with glee.

This week is a busy one for me, too. Friday, I'm off to the York Festival of Writing where I'm giving a four-hour workshop (eep!), along with taking part in two other sessions. Wish me luck, everyone. I may actually get to see some of York, too, a city I've always wanted to visit.

I'm also feverishly working away on the second draft of The Pollyanna Plan, trying to get this round of edits done before jetting off to Canada in three weeks for my best friend's wedding. Yay! And in other news, I have returned from red to blonde after a mammoth session at the hairdressers. My arse is still sore from sitting for so long!

Before I sign off, a small reminder today is the last day to get my novels for 99 cents, along with these other great books.

Have a fantastic week!

What's on your agenda this September? 


  1. Good luck with that workshop, Talli, I'm sure you'll do absolutely great!

  2. Whoa, that workshop came around fast - at least it feels like it! :D

    Good luck with your second draft! :D

  3. I'm going to do my best to get my posts scheduled at least a week before they're due to go live. I pants too much when I blog! Hope the second draft goes well!

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  4. Gosh, you are so busy - sounds like you are working hard and having fun in equal measures. Good luck with the workshop - I wish I could be there - your workshops are fab. Take care and don't forget to put your feet up now and again!

    Janice xx

  5. Best of luck with the workshop and I hope you get to see York as well! :) x

  6. Good luck Talli. I wish I could go to the workshop in York. Tomorrow is back-to-school day here in Michigan too. I will watch the school bus go by with bittersweet memories of forcing my screaming kindergartener on board.

  7. Listening to you for four hours would be awesome!
    My goal today was to sleep in, and since I got up less than an hour ago, I'd say mission accomplished.

  8. Thanks so much for the well-wishes! Best of luck with your workshop.

  9. I hear the Wheel of York is fab!!! Enjoy!! Take care

  10. How exciting that you are to be part of the York Festival of Writing, have fun.

  11. Yay for blonde! (not that i'm really a blonde anymore. But i used to be!) Have super fun at your workshop! I bet you rock it out!

  12. Wish I could be at the workshop to listen to great writers like you. Best wishes to a wonderful endeavor.

  13. Wow, exciting news. Can't wait to read your new book and hope you have fun in Canada.

  14. Good luck in York and have loads of fun!

  15. In supermarket land this week is known as Back to School Week. I'm actually a little sad because it means the whole aisle of stationery goes soon - I've been in heaven for the last month!

    Glad you've gone back blonde - it suits you so much more.

  16. I'm hoping to get to York before the end of the year. Have a great time, I'm sure your workshop will go great!

  17. Have a great time in York. It is also somewhere I have never been but would love to go. Cheers

  18. Hope you have fun at the workshop and in York! :)

  19. I hope your workshop goes well and your friend's wedding is fun! :)

  20. You sound busy. Have a great time at the workshop and the wedding!

  21. Sounds like a great line up of events! Have fun! :)

  22. Yes, the traffic does build up on this first week back, though where I live I can't complain - it's mainly tractors!

    Hope the course goes well.
    Take care of yourself too!
    CJ x

  23. You are busy. Enjoy your workshop - I'm sure it will be very stimulating for everyone. Don't overdo it, though. (Sorry, I keep saying that to my daughter who has 11 weeks to go - I don't know how she doesn't hit me!)

  24. Hope you have a GREAT week, Talli! Sounds like you're going to be busy this month, as usual :D And as usual for me, I'm going to try to force myself to finish this WIP!

  25. This September I'm going to a local revision retreat weekend, which I'm super excited for. Have fun at your friend's wedding!

  26. I'm sure that you'll do a great job at the workshop! Have fun at your BFF's wedding! Julie

  27. All the best with The Polyanna Plan!

    Have fun!


  28. Have a great time in York! Glad to hear you're a blonde again. You LOOK HOT as a blonde!

    Looking forward to hear more about the seminar and York!

  29. Have a cool time in York, Talli. Good luck with your workshops!


  30. Sounds great Talli - am sure the workshops will be fab. I'm on the radio this afternoon so I am going eek as well!

  31. Enjoy your trip to York and Canada too. I love a fun wedding!

  32. You know, I dabbled in the red last fall and ultimately returned to blonde, too. I guess once you go blonde... :D No, this all sounds like too much fun! Have fun in York! Safe travels across the pond, and yes! Avoid the traffic~ <3

  33. Haha, I can just see you sitting up there in your office, away from all the traffic. Nice you could escape it! Enjoy your writing festival, and yay for your writing progress. Happy blonde once again!

  34. York is a beautiful place. Hope you have fun! What a jetsetting life you have. :) And I never even knew you were red!

  35. Have fun at the workshop - and hiding out in your office.:)

  36. Hope you have a great weekend Talli! I bet the conference will be huge fun - even if you do have to work some! One day you too will have to endure the school run - but until then enjoy watching!!

  37. Hi Talli! Hope all is well with you, sweetie. A four hour workshop? Sounds brilliant! I am sure you'll wow them. And yay for being blonde again!

  38. Labour Day... to kids it's like the last gasp of freedom for a condemned man about to go to prison.

    Coming back to the Great White North for a bit? Enjoy it!

  39. Have a fantastic time at the festival. I'm sure your workshop will be splendid. I'll check out the links.


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