Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Talk Talk

Brace yourself: this post is going to be boring. (Can you imagine if I started a novel like that? I wonder how many people would read on...) Anyway, I do apologise. I'm utterly brain-dead after a torturous night listening to heavy BEEPING machinery scrape the asphalt off the street in front of my flat all night until 5 a.m. And even worse? They'll be back tonight!

(I've tried earplugs. They don't work.)

So, in lieu of a functioning brain, I thought I'd share a couple talks I'll be doing over the next few months.

July 14: The Romantic Novelists' Association Annual Conference, Penrith. Marketing for Writers. I'll be talking about the many social media platforms and strategies writers can use to market themselves. And I assure you, one of those will NOT being DM'ing everyone on Twitter your Amazon buy-links! Grr!

July 17: Byte the Book, Digital Literary SoirĂ©e, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., The Ivy, London. The Author Experience of Publishing in a Digital Age. 

Sept 7: York Festival of Writing, 2 to 6 pm. How to be a Professional Self-Publisher and Succeed (mini-workshop)

Sept 8: York Festival of Writing, 4:40 pmTraditional or Self-Publishing: How to Know What's Right for You

Nov 16-18: Festival of Romance, Bedford. TBD.

Are you still reading? Hope so! A small shout-out for a very supportive chick lit reader, Kevin Loh, who has just started his own review blog. You can check it out and follow here.

Happy Wednesday, everyone. Think of me while you're sleeping soundly this evening.  


  1. TALLI! I am so happy you posted this! I was looking at coming to York, but I may not be able to make it. I will check out some of the other dates, and hopefully I can catch you somewhere. :D

  2. Good luck with the sleeping and the talks, Talli. Hope to catch up with you later in the year x

  3. What a glamorous and lucrative schedule! Hope you get some sleep soon.

  4. Sorry to hear of your lack of sleep. Living in the inner city this quite often happens to me but I'm pretty good at sleeping through it after years of practise.
    Great schedule. Have fun.


  5. Sounds like a fun talk tour! Hope you get some sleep...put a nap on your to-do list today : )

  6. Sorry the ear plugs don't work, as the Queen is touring perhaps she has a few spare rooms or Kennsington Palace? worth a try.


  7. Ugh, that street repair sounds awful! I hope you get some good sleep soon. Have fun at all the talks!

  8. Awwwwww York!! York is lovely!!! Yay!!!

    Take care

  9. Yeesh, sorry about the loud construction! Try sleeping with a fan on high setting AND earplugs. I'm a really light sleeper and that usually seems to help (at least with upstairs neighbors who like to strap bricks to their feet and run around after midnight). And it looks like you have a very busy schedule coming up! Cute dresses and lots of wine are in order!

  10. Oh no. Lack of sleep is the worst thing ever.

    Ok, maybe a sliiiiight exaggeration but I do love sleep. I feel for you :-(

  11. Oh man, I so wish I could come but there's this huge pond in the way. Dang it! I'm sorry you didn't sleep well. I'd try to find one of those God awful, extremely tacky, floor fans and turn it on high. I have one because I have teenagers who think they should stomp while walking. Feet be gone. Win!

  12. I would totally read a book that started out "Warning, this book will be boring". Probably because i'd immediately assume the narrator is unreliable and that i'd be in for a rocking good time!

  13. Oooh that sucks. I hate when something messes with my sleep. Have you tried to fall asleep to music?

  14. I hear you. Still suffering from the time change and scrambling for brain power. What an awesome list of events! Hope you enjoy!

  15. By the time the machinery has finished its machinations you will be so used to the noise that you won't be able to sleep when it's not there:-)Job's comforter - me??

  16. Wonderful schedule of events, hope they are fun!

  17. Poor you, having to put up with that awful noise. Really looking forward to meeting you at Penrith, Talli!

  18. Yup those things are bound to keep you up all night. Wohoo! You're going to New York! enjoy!

  19. I hung in there and read the whole post! I hope you get peace and rest soon.

    You're going to be in NY????? I'd love to come down and see you, but that's normally the first week of school. Good luck!

  20. You're going to be the traveling writer! Have fun. If you have a pair of earmuffs, try them over the plugs. May work a little better.

  21. See you in York! I was asked to do the Penrith one but had to say no. Have fun!

  22. Lots of speaking gigs! You should hunt down those workers and run a jackhammer outside their house while they are trying to sleep.

  23. Talli, that street better be made of gold after two nights of that. Interesting news too.

  24. We can have the construction crew, disappeared, if you like. Or removed from the equation. Neutralized. Whacked. Congressionally investigated.

  25. I wish I could come to some of your presentations. Good luck!

    Sorry about the construction. Time for a mini staycation?

  26. Wow, that's a lot of speaking engagements. I'm so sorry about the jackhammer, that stinks.

  27. I'm sorry to hear about the construction! That has to be a major pain.

    It looks like you have exciting stuff ahead. :)

  28. I hope you get some sleep tonight. I hope one of these days you can come down to Florida for a conference, then a day at the beach :)

  29. Oh Talli, so sorry about the lack of sleep. The speaking engagements do sound exciting!

  30. Oh Talli. I feel for you. That is miserable. I know I don't do well when I don't get sleep, yet you pulled it of with flare! :) Hopefully you'll have a good night sleep soon! And I'll hop over to check out Kevin's blog. :)

  31. Will be taking notes at the back of your talk at RNA conference, Talli! Hope they get finished soon and you get some sleep.

  32. Poor you! We had the DIY Neighbours From Hell a while ago. It is awful functioning on not enough sleep. Earplus? x

  33. Good luck with your speaking engagements. I'm considering doing some in the near future. And I'll check out Kevin's link.

  34. I thought you were going to moan about the phone company Talk Talk, ha,ha!! I wish I lived in London or at least England and then I could go to all those talks. Que sera sera.

  35. What, you weren't busy enough alread?! Energy, I need more energy...
    Good luck, but I'm sure you will do a great job!

  36. Talli, those sound like very cool talks! I wish I could be there to hear them. But I'm sorry about the scraping. We have an elderly neighbor who keeps odd hours, meaning she likes to turn on all her lights at like 3 a.m. Luckily, she seems to be backing off of that. Or we're getting used to it. City life... ;o) <3

  37. Very busy lady! But they sound like they will be interesting talks! I hope you manage to sleep better!

  38. Construction noise close by is so annoying. Good luck with getting some sleep.

  39. So sorry about the construction noise! When I'm trying to drown out noise I put in a movie I'm so familiar with I'm not tempted to try to pay attention to it. Maybe tonight you'll be so tired you'll fall asleep quickly!

  40. Wow, you really hop around, don't you? Sound like great talks. Hope the construction noise is over soon; it's the worst!

  41. Talli: With your infectious attitude, there is no chance that you would ever be boring. I always find energy and magic in this blog. I wish you were able to get some sleep at a friend's flat. Be well!


Coffee and wine for all!