Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Going Commando - or Not?

Working at a desk in the comfort of my own home, wardrobe has fallen to pretty much the bottom of my list of concerns. Oddly, though, footwear seems to have risen in importance. I'm not talking stilettos and ankle boots, though. I'm talking slippers and the one thing in this world I could not live without (besides wine): socks.

This may not seem like such a burning issue. But when your tootsies are jammed under a desk, in front of a very large and oh-so-drafty Victorian window, foot-gear becomes critical -- even in the summer.

I've tried a two-sock combo, layering a woolly outer-layer over a pair of thin trouser socks. I've tried a sock/ slipper combo. And I've even tried tucking my trousers into my socks (horror, I know - but in my defense it was cold!). But still, I struggle with frozen feet by the end of the day.

So I'm curious. What's your preferred foot-gear for writing? Do you go commando (ahem, bare foot), or do you prefer to smother your toes with fleecy goodness?

Never let it be said any topic is too trivial for this blog! :)


  1. omg i'm so with you on the socks. i have this pair of like.. slipper socks? they're called "the softest socks in the world" or something like that. and OMG they really ARE the softest socks in the world. AND they keep my feet warm.

    they're my favorite things to wear while i'm writing. especially on a chilly day! :D

  2. Your posts always tickle my feet. You're so funny.
    I certainly wear slippers in winter and have an air-heater aimed at them.
    Winter I go for flip-flops. I'd bake in socks here (32ยบ degrees on a cool day).

  3. Ah! I want a pair of these socks. I NEED a pair of these socks! I'm going to track them down.

    Thanks Tahereh!

  4. Sarah - sorry, you live in Spain. Absolutely NO sympathy.

  5. I vote for fleecy goodness - the fake fluffier the better! I've just been given (by sister who was very late for tea at the ritz by way of compensation) a pair of fuzzy, fake fluffy booties type slippers that make feet sweat and are ever so comfy! From Next! Bliss!!

    Take care

  6. My footwear is fashionably seasonable ... sandals or bare feet in the summer, cozy slippers fall and winter. Don't want "cold feet" when it comes to writing ;)

  7. Commando! Of course it's summer in Texas. I keep a pair of flip-flops handy for quick trips outside. Winter, cotton socks usually do.

  8. Oh dear, I won't score any sympathy either (seeing as I'm in Thailand.) Sometimes I turn the air con really cold and get my cashmere socks and my sheepskin slippers out!

    Yeah, I do.

  9. I wear flip flops :) It's summer here. but that doesn't mean a thing because I wear flip flops in winter too! With Rainbow Toe Socks! hehehe

  10. I'm a commando girl all the way. That being said, I have a great pair of moccassins that I wear in winter or fall. I do wear them more often nowadays as my rheumatism makes my feet bones ache sometimes and nothing but warming my feet up seems to help. I love being barefooted though, and my feet are usually stained with mulberry or blackberry juice, coal dust if I've been up visiting West Va...

  11. My dirty mind always finds it's way to your blog... then again is it your dirty mind that gets me here??? Hmmm I guess I'll always wonder.

    You know I've never thought about it, but I believe I wear socks when writing. If not I at least make sure to have my toes freshly painted and a pair of flip flops. I'm not much of a barefoot girl.

  12. Socks are usually enough for me, but if not I'll toss an afghan over my feet in the winter. Your post title certainly got my attention!

  13. LoL... I sit at my desk cross legged so, my feet are usually snugly tucked underneath me or, if it gets really cold, I grab my comforter and put it over my legs for as long as I can bear it. : j

  14. I live in India, so I always go barefeet at home, except if it gets really cold for a couple of days in winter.

  15. I live in Texas, so I suppose I won't get any sympathies, either. But I do wear socks in the winter -- but summer: well, not so much.

  16. COMMANDO!!! I hate socks. Seriously. There is some feeling of smothering or suffocation when I wear them -hence my residence is in the deep South of the US. Tropical weather more than anything else! ;o)

    Even in the winter - must not enclose my foot friends!

    Visit My Kingdom Anytime

  17. I love this topic! For me, I'm with Courtney...COMMANDO! I hate socks, especially in the summer. However, if its winter and I'm in my office writing, I go for the thickest, fuzziest, most comfy socks every time. They may be ugly, but my feet adore them!

  18. Socks with shoes. It's the only way to fly, my friend. Or drive. Or write. Or walk. LoL.

    Tennis shoes preferably. All the time. You'll hardly ever find me without shoes and socks. It's another one of my "things". ;-)

  19. This time of year I can go barefoot. But when the temp dips below 65(F), they're ice cubes. I usually wear thick uber soft socks and top them off with slipper/booties.

    I used to know someone who had slippers you could MICROWAVE to heat them up. Ahhhhhh. I've also seen battery powered heater socks. They're meant for hiking/camping but I'm thinking that's JUST the ticket come winter!

  20. During the summer as soon as I get home shoes and socks/hose come off. I love to go in my bare feet. But when it's cold weather, well that's a different matter. Two pair of socks or whatever it takes to keep my feet warm. Good luck.

    Thoughts in Progress

  21. Living in a place where snow is now expected to fall in May, sock obsession is perfectly acceptable. I'll slip on my daughter UGG boots while at my computer desk. So very cozy and you don't need to wear socks!
    But for socks, good ol' wool WigWam's that are also perfect for hiking are my favourite. May you have a cozy feet kind of day!

  22. I like to rest my feet on a pile of rejection slips. I find that, symbolically, this gives me a little hope.

  23. flip flops are easy on the old bunions... oh god I've left the land of youth haven't i?

  24. Oh, I like to be barefoot, but I'm like you--my feet get too darned cold. If I have to wear something, my preference is slippers.


    P.S. You won the Dig a Pony contest on my blog! I have a copy of the Beatles "Love" album on my desk waiting for you--just send me your address :-)

  25. I have this SAME PROBLEM!
    And now i have 4 pairs of slipper socks that keep me tootsies warm

  26. I thought you were going to talk about writing naked. Oh well, I always wear shoes (sandals) because my floor is tile but rarely socks. It's too hot for socks.


  27. Currently commando, but in winter, definitely go for socks. :)

  28. I love socks. I have some slipper socks and some boot-type slippers that I wear. So warm. :)

  29. Thank you so much , Talli for taking the trouble to let me know that you were not able to comment on my blog. Was fiddling around with something else yesterday and must have inadvertently disabled comments.
    I think I have put it right now.
    Thank you, again, for letting me know.

  30. Depends on the season but usually slippers. :)

  31. I wear flip-flops around the house at all times! I can't go barefoot and socks make my feet feel like their suffocating! When I write, I usually take off the flip-flops and fold my feet under me on the chair!

    xoxo -- Hilary

  32. Slippers you can microwave! Wow; those sound fantastic.

    And for all you barefoot people - bah! I wish I could do that. Sadly, not.

  33. I HAVE to have socks on. I don't care how hot it is. If I wear flip-flops out, as soon as I get home, the socks go back on:)

  34. I love my socks, the jazzier the better, I get a few raised eyebrows at work. I always have cold feet, especially in bed, even though I get a lot of hot flushes, they seem to leave out my feet.

  35. Actually, I'm a serious foot-tapper, so I keep my shoes on... if I tap my feet in slippers, I wonder why I can't hear anything. That means distraction and distraction means not good! :)

  36. I write in my basement, so the floor is COLD. I'm definitely a slippers gal... (they are sockish things but have a leather bottom). Nudist movement aside, I could not survive without them...

  37. I wear socks, because I have a spider problem and am afraid that one of them will crawl onto my feet.

  38. Always barefoot, not always with socks on. I tend to tuck my legs under me and a blanket on top of me, so the tootsies get covered up anyway. So yeah, I tend to go commando. All the way, baby.

  39. I have to wear socks. My feet get cold even in the summer because the AC vent isn't far from the end of the recliner. In the winter, it gets super cold here, and so I wear those thick slipper socks with the rubber gripper things on the bottom. You can't really wear them with shoes though, because they are so thick, but I hate regular slippers. They're so clunky.

  40. I begin with flip flops, then it turns to furry slippers, but now it's fluffy socks, yeah, looks divine, but saves my feet from goinf purple! Gotta do what you gotta do! xx

  41. One: I live in Florida...
    Two: I am not a writer...

    so my answer is.... B A R E F O O T ! !

  42. My little piggies get wrapped up in the furry fleecy socks and then stuffed into ugg boot type slippers. When really cold, a hot water to rest the feet on is a good option. Hey, what can I say...cold feet make me miserable and cranky.

  43. I wear socks in the winter, but definitely don't need them in the Texas summer. I'm with you, though. When my feet get cold, I'm cold all over. Gotta have warm feet.

    Straight From Hel

  44. awesome post! i love it!

    i live on the gold coast in australia, so the weather is pretty decent most of the year but there's something to be said about writing and warm feet (which you have just pointed out in this blog), i need to have nice warm tootsies! i dont know what countries have these but here we have these slippers that are like soft ugg boots made of fleecy stuff- they are called "hoodies", like hoody jackets for your feet.

    can i get a "hell yeah!"?

  45. I can relate far too well. :)

    Have you tried fleece lined slippers? That & a pair of socks. Or, a small space heater for that area near your feet?

    It depends on the weather -- if it's hot I go commando or wear only socks, if it's cold then I wear my fleece lined slippers w/ warm socks.

  46. Socks, Socks, and more Socks. The cushier the better!

  47. Plain white socks.
    And yes, that accounts for most of my sock collection.

  48. My friend H just brought me the best socks ever from London! I have to find out where she got them. They are lined inside with a nylon like material, then covered with a thick cotton. They have stretchy support banding around the arch of the foot. I'm wearing them now. They're quite warm. I will investigate and get back to you.

  49. While I have trouble thinking about socks right now (it's 90 degrees outside and 80 inside my apartment... we have yet to turn on the AC, trying to save money), I am a TOTAL sock fan. I mean I really love socks. I can't sleep without them, and if it wasn't for the fact that my feet are sweating right now, I would so be wearing a pair.

  50. During the summer...TOTAL COMMANDO!!

  51. During the summer...TOTAL COMMANDO!!

  52. I'm a commando during the summer. During the winter I gotta have my socks, my fleecy-soft socks, the invention of which was the true beginning of civilization. (Talli, google Brookstone, great socks!)

  53. I am a barefoot girl. I have foot claustrophobia. Sometimes when I wear boots, I feel like I need Paxil to calm me down.

  54. i wear sox all the time, except for bed or bathing/swimming... then stuff my feet into moccasins, slippers, clogs, or whatever is handy... unlike my ex, i prefer my feet warm!

  55. My feet are commando the moment I walk in the door. I hate having things on my feet. My toes need air!

  56. I cannot live without socks either. I'm wearing a pair right now. :)

  57. No matter the season, I'm in socks - the fuzzier the better. I even have socks I wear to bed in the winter - I keep threatening to find a pair of pj's with the feet in them to wear.

  58. Commando, but it's summer here, you know?
    I jsut notcied the tilte of yuor lsat pots. AHAHAH!

  59. Sounds like you need to bring out the big-guns! A hot water bottle. Unless of course you just want to try shoes first. ;)

  60. What a great and fun post! Feet are the first to get cold. I wear big white gym socks and tuck a lap blanket over my knees and under my feet. For summer, though, it's commando all the way! lol

  61. I have to say that my (English) husband is very much into his socks, but I am all about going naked (barefoot, that is). I can't stand having anything on my feet...even in winter. I'm nuts, I know, but I feel more balanced feeling the ground through my toes. And, I'm always really warm, so I'm sure that has something to do with it.
    But, advice for you...perhaps the cold feet are keeping you awake/focused just enough to write because if your feet were too happy, you might be tempted for other comforts??
    If not, perhaps rest them on a hot water bottle? poor toes.

  62. I wear socks...ankle socks are my favorite. (Not the kind you cuff over.) I love to sit outside on the veranda with a blanket and my computer or notebook when I'm writing. In the winter I've been known to use a heating pad on my feet when I come in from shoveling the snow or breaking the ice...

  63. *shudder* You guys are FREAKING me out!

    I HATE socks. They're evil and I have complete foot claustrophobia. My piggies need freedom and air.

    In the summer (now) I am barefoot unless I go in public, then it's flip flops (or in the case of dressing up, cute heels).
    In the winter, barefoot in the house (I use a blanket when sitting), Uggs (SANS socks!). (My feet don't get cold...but if they did, I'd let them frostbite before wearing socks.
    When I work out, it's sneakers sans socks.

    The ONLY time I wear socks is while skiing, and the come off the minute the boots do.

    I cannot stand to see someone wearing socks to bed... even the thought of them rubbing against sheets wigs me out!


  64. a friend makes rice-bag slippers. You stick them in the microwave and they stay warm for about an hour - you slip them on your feet (hard to walk in though). I keep telling her she should start a business

  65. In the summer, I love going commando! But in the winter, I usually have on socks and slippers. I have a pretty sturdy pair, almost like shoes, that keep my feet pretty darn warm.

  66. LOL! I love your caveat at the end.

    I'm definitely a soft socks and slippers kind of girl. I also like my feet propped up and comfy.


    FYI: Acorn is my fav brand for slippers and Columbia for socks. Can you get those in the UK?

  67. i like those post,.... and I'm not sure I'd go with more than one or two at a time, though, as I think it might get too confusing with all that feedback!

  68. I don't have a solution because I experience the same dilemma. My feet get cold, I put on socks; my feet get hot, I take off socks; my feet get cold...

    Instead of devising the perfect dialogue, I find myself trying to devise the perfect sock.

  69. As I type this I'm commando but I'm afraid if it gets colder I do the most awful thing. I sit on my feet. I know! I know! Bad for my posture and my circulation and everything but it's a habit... and it warms my feet a treat.

  70. Well, as the UK is doing a rubbish job of pulling off a spring/early summer, I think socks are totally in fashion.

    I usually write in whatever I've got on at the time, by which I mean if I'm writing, I'm too absorbed in it to notice if my feet are hot or cold. Usually it's flip flops, but sometimes I have socks on. In the winter, always the socks!

  71. Totally bare feet. I'm in bare feet as often as I can help it. I never wear socks inside. If my feet get cold, I cover them with a blanket. :-P

  72. Fun post! In summer I go barefoot because it's too hot for socks. The other three seasons, I wear socks and/or slippers! I looove socks and have so many different kinds, lots of colors and patterns and materials. My favorite are the slipper socks infused with aloe vera. SOOO soft, especially if you put lotion on your feet first then slip into them. Heaven!

  73. Yeah, my feet are claustrophobes. I pretty much went barefoot throughout childhood and if my feet are too hot- I'm hot. So I go commando as much as I can. Maybe a pair of ankle socks in winter...

  74. haha I love that you are blogging about socks! They are the best! But my feet go commando when I write (since I write in bed, lol) my desk si too cluttered to get anything done, and i get distracted easily. (yeah i shouldn't be blogging right now, I'm supposed to be on my blackout!) it's tough. haha. But i would recommend getting a REALLY fat cat and putting it on top of your feet while you write. It's too fat to go anywhere and too lazy to move off of your feet. ;)

    Oh if you haven't voted on Creepy Query Girl's QUERY SPOOF contest, you should vote for entry #1 ;) haha.

  75. Warm woolen socks!! I also get to slide across the tiles for my cup of coffee


  76. My feet are my temperature gauge. If they're cold, I'm cold. I usually put on slippers and if I'm really cold, socks and slippers. If I'm really, really cold, I will curl up on the couch with my snuggie.


  77. I found some socks from Bath & Body Works that are supposedly infused with Aloe. Don't know much about the aloe, but the socks are like silky fuzz and they hug my feet, no droopy toe thing going on.

    Yep, total sock person all year long.


Coffee and wine for all!